Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Bank regulations change every 12 minutes

I recently spent a day in a meeting discussing Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) … yawn.  Well, it is a bit of a dull area, but highly important.  In fact, what gets me is that regulations are the big ticket barrier to change in banking.  It’s what protects the banks from disruption and change, as…

The biggest innovations in retail banking (research)

OK, OK, OK, I promise to stop posting predictions and trends and blah, blah, blah, but this one has an interesting provenance and history.  Last year, one of my most read blog entries was this one: The top ten trends in banking innovation  (February 2016).  This was a summary of the top trends in banking innovation, and…

FiBD: The FinTech Bullshit Detector

I’ve been wondering for a while how so many companies can be starting up something in the same space, and how are they surviving?  The reason for mentioning it is that we keep hearing these numbers around how many billions are being invested in FinTech, bitcoin, blockchain and such like, and yet I cannot see…

Two mainstream blockchain developments already

So one of my 2017 forecasts is coming true already: it is the year that blockchain moves out of proofs of concept and work and into the mainstream.  Two great examples broke out this week from skunk works to media. The first I spotted was the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Group using bitcoin for various…

Things worth reading: 12th January 2017

Things we’re reading today include … Reported fraud in UK financial services falls The City issues Brexit deal demands Silicon Valley start-ups suffer fall in VC funding What Wall Street wants from Trump From the end of globalisation to ‘weaponised’ gadgets: the five biggest risks facing the global economy Perils of the Icarus Trade as…

Could Trump and May be the new Reagan and Thatcher?

I guess I’m an optimist and, in a world of pessimism, it’s an interesting place to be.  I say a world of pessimism as all I’ve seen since the Brexit vote and Donald Trump being President-elect is negativity.  A constant stream of we are screwed appears in my Facebook feed, and everyone seems to think…

5 Banking Tech Trends for 2017

I kept Tuesday’s blog entry short because I knew that everyone was making predictions and writing much more in-depth pieces.  Today’s guest blog entry is from Finanser friend David Horton. David wrote a great piece on LinkedIn over the holidays providing his five banking technology predictions for 2017 and has kindly allowed me to replicate it here….

Top 10 Retail Banking Trends for 2017

I kept yesterday’s blog entry short because I knew that today’s was long, and it’s a guest blog entry from my good friend Jim Marous.  Jim produces a great report each year, curating the thoughts of 100 industry leaders including myself, on what is going to happen in the year ahead.  Summarizing this year’s report,…

The most read blog entries of 2016 (#fintech, #blockchain, #platforms)

I was looking through Google Analytics to see which of my blog entries had been most read in 2016.  Here’s the list and, as you will see, it’s mostly people reading about blockchain news, although how to change the bank, fintech and innovation all get high rankings too. The top ten trends in banking innovation…

The best FinTech research of 2016

Earlier this year, I summarised some of the best research papers that had been released on FinTech and Blockchain in three parts: Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.  Thanks to Oliver Bussmann’s blog, I can now provide you with a list of the best research released on Fintech this year.  Enjoy! 2016-12 Digital Asset Holding Non Technical…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser