Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The impact of #Brexit on the City and Fintech London

So we finished the Financial Services Club season with a discussion of the implications of Brexit on the City of London and Fintech London, with a panel debate amongst four stellar people: Sharon Bowles, former MEP and now Baroness Bowles of Berkhamsted; Lawrence Wintermeyer, CEO, Innovate Finance; Jeremy Light, Managing Director, Accenture Payment Services; and…

Global networks need global finance

I’ve recently been wowed by series such as House of Cards (Netflix) and The Man in the High Castle (Amazon), and am really blown away by The Crown (Netflix) and The Grand Tour (Amazon).   I’m blown away not because these are good internet shows, which they are, but by the budgets being spent on them….

A Banking Carol

It was almost December 25, Christmas, and Jimmy Diamond was a happy man for a change. Just this week his bank had opened 100,000 new customer accounts (even though only 25,000 people had visited the bank); they had managed to sneak an extra 1% onto credit card holders balances (without informing most cardholders explicitly of…

Reboot the bank’s boardroom NOW!

Bye bye banking job for life Many of the banking folk I meet have been with the bank as man and boy, woman and girl.  It’s a job for life.  Funnily enough, I’ve never known one of those jobs.  I guess it’s because I work in tech, and many of the tech firms I’ve worked…

Things worth reading: 24th November 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Is the next financial crisis on its way? These new plans for bank reforms in Europe could hit Wall Street lenders Bank executives should be fired for regulatory breaches, says report British taxpayers lose £27bn on bank bailout Middle East bank to launch AI for customer support Paragon Bank…


I heard this phrase – paranoia-as-a-service – for the first time recently, but I’m hearing paranoia in banking mentioned more and more often. It’s not surprising after the tesco hack, but what can you do about it? If banks are meant to be the most secure stores of value in this world, then how can…

Things worth reading: 8th November 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Tesco Bank: 20,000 customers lose money Tesco Bank blames ‘systematic sophisticated attack’ for account losses Investors shrug off more losses at Lending Club HSBC boss urges government clarity on EU workers in the UK Banks, brokers gird for Brexit-style tumult following Tuesday’s election HSBC profits slump following sale of…

A glimpse of the future, part two – 70 is the new 30

As mentioned yesterday, there’s a big question about what all of this means for financial service.  You may not have asked those questions but if life sciences allows people to live for 150 years or more; if babies can be born without defects; if you can design yourself to be whatever you want to be;…

Things worth reading: 1st November 2016

Things we’re reading today include … The rise, fall and fightback of Mark Carney, the rock star of finance Trade options Jose Manuel Barroso cleared of breaking rules for taking Goldman Sachs job Barclays customers hit by debit card glitch New pound coin: Firms told to prepare for redesign Mark Carney to leave Bank of England…

Things worth reading: 26th October 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Clydesdale confirms Williams & Glyn offer Lending Club races ahead into car loans Monte dei Paschi shares suspended after 23% fall Deutsche Bank’s ETF unit bleeds $8bn this year Will paper receipts become a thing of the past? The future of trade has rarely looked more uncertain Payments: interloping…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser