Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Will Apple Bank be the first new American #Fintech Bank?

On Wednesday the American Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)* followed up on its promise last December to introduce a national bank charter for Fintech bank startups by issuing a white paper on how to apply for a licence, the evaluation process and what will be involved.  It’s a massive move towards allowing…

Things worth reading: 16th March 2017

Things we’re reading today include … Wall Street bonus pool boosted by Trump rally Bank of America shareholders revive chairman debate Wells Fargo CEO receives pay bump despite sales scandal Exclusive: London gold rush – ICE to launch clearing before banks are ready Government to set up new anti-money laundering watchdog How the world’s central…

The FinTech Wave, Part One

I wrote a blog the other day for The Next Web.  I thought it was ok, and it has gained a lot of traction socially. Apparently, people like it and here I’m going to expand upon the basic theme to give a detailed analysis of how FinTech wings are spreading. There’s been a lot of talk…

Things worth reading: 22nd February 2017

Things we’re reading today include … How’s your online bank security looking? The Dutch studied theirs and… yeah, not great Come to France post-Brexit, banks urged HSBC faces FCA probe into anti-money laundering controls as profits plunge Bank of England ‘has improved’ its economic forecasting Australia is the most popular country for the world’s millionaires,…

web 2.0, the 2000s and lovely jubbly, social networking

From the origins of the internet in 1990, the end of the 1990s saw the emergence of e-commerce and a plethora of payments services and commercial websites.  Then not a great deal happened until the internet became social.  Blog platforms like WordPress and Typepad emerged in 2003; Facebook launched in 2004; and YouTube a year…

web 1.0, the 1990s and the arrival of Elon Musk and mates

Web 1.0 – the network begins As mentioned yesterday, almost half a century of developments in technology led to the launch of the web as we know it today, following Tim Berners-Lee’s paper detailing HTML and URLs.  This was in 1990 and, consequently, the internet morphs almost every decade.  This makes our decade – the…

The Birth of Computing and Development of the Web

The last chapter of ValueWeb talks about what comes after the third generation internet: the internet of value.  This is the internet being built today, based upon shared ledgers, cloud, apps, APIs and analytics.  Of course, the next generation is the internet of things.  But what comes after that? There is an answer, but you…

Things worth reading: 7th February 2017

Things we’re reading today include … Is Italy’s financial future resting on UniCredit? Paris calls on London’s bankers to move to France for the food, culture – and even romance  Germany not ‘exploiting’ euro, says S&P MPs press Lloyds to compensate HBOS fraud victims Are other analysts as bullish on the pound as Bank of…

The Semantic Regulator (#RegTech Rules)

A bank has to make a regulatory change every 12 minutes.  That’s some task.  A bigger question must also be: how can a regulatory check that a bank is compliant with their regulatory changes, if their regulations change every 12 minutes are run to 1,000’s of pages? The answer is they can’t, but they don’t…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser