Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The future of payments and technology

Andrew Vorster, Vice President of R&D and Adam Banks, Chief Technology Officer for Visa Europe delivered a fascinating double act at the Financial Services Club the other night. The theme of the presentation was: the future of payments and technology, and covered seven key trends that Andrew and Adam have identified that will disrupt payments:…

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Do banks need branches?

We had a great debate at the Financial Services Club last night, picking up on that perennial debating point: do banks need branches? In the pro-branch corner were Anthony Thomson, co-founder of Metrobank and Ron Whatford, former Chief Experience Officer with Lloyds Banking Group; in the anti-branch corner were Mark Mullen, CEO of First Direct…


The future of the cash machine

I’ve blogged about the cash machine of the future before, with BBVA coming up with the idea of side-facing screens. Very nice too. Recently I saw some other variations of the cash machine, such as the new video ATMs being rolled out by banks such as Dollar Bank in America. And I thought ATM stood…


NFC: No Flippin’ Chance (or why contactless is a dead tech)

The world is a wonderful place, as times shift fast and things turn faster than an egg on a timer. Just as you get used to one technology, another comes along and turns things on its head. What technology do we mean? NFC. Near Field Communication. No Flippin' Chance. The more I think about NFC, the…

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The future of the payments terminal

I’m speaking at a conference on the future of payments today for one of the world’s largest suppliers of payments terminals. They asked me my views on the future of the point-of-sale, and I said that it would disappear. Not a good position to take when you’re the keynote speaker at a conference for a…

The future bank will be like Siri

I spent a day strategising with one of the Middle Eastern banks about the launch of a direct bank service.  One of the key questions they asked me is: do we organise the back office in the same way as our contact centre and internet bank service? The easy answer would be yes, but that…

Cyberwars: a far bigger threat than hacktivists

Whilst consumers are electing the next major political leader via crowdsourced populism, governments and companies begin developing cyberarms. This cyberwarfare is already rife, with a host of malware targeting middle eastern nations (see end of blog entry). What is obvious from these developments is that cyberattacks are the new form of warfare that evades direct…

The Future of Hacktivism: the Collective Party

During the week, I’ve been discussing various aspects of risk and riot in the system, from the potential for an uprising to how anonymous works. One of the key areas to consider is also where all this goes in the future. That’s what I thought would be good to talk about today. I should be…

The uprising

I spent some time contemplating history last week, and realised just how many times we have been through moments like this. The Civil War in Britain; the storming of the Bastille in France; the Russian Revolution; the themes of many German philosophers during the 1800s, such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche; and more. Throughout…

What is the alternative to LIBOR?

After the LIBOR debacle and the money laundering affairs of Standard Chartered and HSBC, the UK’s banks reputation are in the toilet. Now we have to rebuild, and this is where it gets interesting and challenging. After claiming that the Americans were holding our banks to ransom last week, we now see the potentially true…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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