Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


2013: an Economic Outlook

OK, OK, it’s time to get down to the real business of blogging, banking and bonuses.  As per my usual form, here are four specific forecasts for the economic movements of 2013: The USA is a solid rock (but) South America is the place to be China becomes a hot consumer market The Eurozone stays…


Ten wild predictions for 2013

Next week, I’ll get back to being Mr. Boring Banking Blogger, and will focus upon the economic, financial and technological trends for 2013, as per my usual start to the year. For today, purely because it’s still the silly season (yes, 12 days of Christmas is still going strong here), I’m going to make ten…


Were Skinner’s 2012 predictions correct?

At the start of the year, I always make a few predictions about what will happen in the following year.  Watch this blog in January for 2013’s predictions.  But what were the predictions for 2012? Well Economically, I made the following forecasts: Asia’s light continues to shine, but not quite as bright American equities is the place…

Were Skinner’s 2012 predictions correct?

At the start of the year, I always make a few predictions about what will happen in the following year.  Watch this blog in January for 2013’s predictions.  But what were the predictions for 2012? Well Economically, I made the following forecasts: Asia’s light continues to shine, but not quite as bright American equities is the place…

A Banking Union? You must be joking!

For the last decade, I’ve been a fan of the Eurozone. It’s created a lot of business for many of us. The Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP), the forty or more Directives, the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and all that stuff has been good for business for consultants, technologists and for some bankers too….

A Banking Union? You must be joking!

For the last decade, I’ve been a fan of the Eurozone. It’s created a lot of business for many of us. The Financial Services Action Plan (FSAP), the forty or more Directives, the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) and all that stuff has been good for business for consultants, technologists and for some bankers too….

Can banks meet the hybrid challenge?

It’s taken me a while to work out why  social media and stuff is such a fundamental change for banking, but I finally think I've got there and it's clearer. It started with the rise of blogging and social media such as YouTube. I still retell the story of McKinsey’s Chief Executive who was side-blinded…

Can banks meet the hybrid challenge?

It’s taken me a while to work out why  social media and stuff is such a fundamental change for banking, but I finally think I've got there and it's clearer. It started with the rise of blogging and social media such as YouTube. I still retell the story of McKinsey’s Chief Executive who was side-blinded…

Too fast to innovate, too slow to change

As mentioned yesterday, the regulator tries to keep up with the banks who try to keep up with customer, and I said that banks often innovate too slowly. There are many examples of this, but the one that I come back to regularly is Chip & PIN. Chip & PIN has been an enormous success,…

Chip &Pin

Virtual currencies will explode thanks to mobile games

The European Central Bank (ECB) has just issued a report on Virtual Currency Schemes, with case studies on Second Life and Bitcoin (both previously covered in depth here). In the report, the ECB calls Bitcoin “the most successful — and probably most controversial — virtual currency scheme to date.” The ECB goes on to say that the…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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