Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The augmented economy

In the middle of my showreel, I talk about augmented  lifestyles.  I’ve talked about this for many years, but now it is becoming an augmented reality, especially with the launch of Google Glass. Google’s glasses (I want!) allow you to see enhanced information about all tjhat is around you in real-time … Robert Scoble, the…

Google glass

The augmented economy

In the middle of my showreel, I talk about augmented  lifestyles.  I’ve talked about this for many years, but now it is becoming an augmented reality, especially with the launch of Google Glass. Google’s glasses (I want!) allow you to see enhanced information about all tjhat is around you in real-time … Robert Scoble, the…

Google glass

The future is visual banking (still)

One of the discussions I was having recently was around a future vision for banking, and the idea of branchless banking reared its ugly head again. As mentioned many times, I don’t believe in branchless banking in the future .. just less branches for banking. Anyways, this discussion veered in another direction that also rang…

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The future is visual banking (still)

One of the discussions I was having recently was around a future vision for banking, and the idea of branchless banking reared its ugly head again. As mentioned many times, I don’t believe in branchless banking in the future .. just less branches for banking. Anyways, this discussion veered in another direction that also rang…

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Banks are just data vaults

There have been several themes I’ve explored on the blog lately that are the foundations of my latest presentations: Mobile is irrelevant, it’s the behaviours that are key Money is meaningless, it’s the data that is important Capitalism is dead, we are now ruled by social capitalism  Privacy has gone and security is our greatest…

Banks are just data vaults

There have been several themes I’ve explored on the blog lately that are the foundations of my latest presentations: Mobile is irrelevant, it’s the behaviours that are key Money is meaningless, it’s the data that is important Capitalism is dead, we are now ruled by social capitalism  Privacy has gone and security is our greatest…

Stop talking about mobile, it’s not important

My latest presentation is apparently a polemic. That’s what my colleague said yesterday, when I said that my new presentation has three themes: Mobile is irrelevant; Money is meaningless; and Capitalism is dead. I wondered what she meant by polemic, so checked out the definitions online and Wikipedia defines it quite well: a polemic is…

Stop talking about mobile, it’s not important

My latest presentation is apparently a polemic. That’s what my colleague said yesterday, when I said that my new presentation has three themes: Mobile is irrelevant; Money is meaningless; and Capitalism is dead. I wondered what she meant by polemic, so checked out the definitions online and Wikipedia defines it quite well: a polemic is…

2013: The Technology Landscape

2012 didn’t really see any new technology outcomes. I look around the house today and see an iPad, iPhone and other things, but nothing essentially radically new from 2012 that’s big and different.  But something is about to happen that will change things fundamentally. 3D Printing. Like most people, 3D Printing is something that’s been…

3D Car1

2013: Five Key Banking Bets

After discussing the economic backdrop, with a hot South America countering a consumerising Asia, it’s time to move on to looking specifically at the banking outlook, which is grim. Or is it? Obviously there’s a major flow of regulatory change with ring fencing, Volcker and Dodd-Frank all rumbling onwards and upwards, whilst European Market Infrastructure…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser