Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Lessons in innovation and tips for tomorrow

During the Infosys conference this week, the hosts constantly asked the audience to vote on a variety of questions about innovation. The organisers did say that they had wondered whether innovation was the right subject to focus upon this year, considering that for some it would be the last thing on their minds, but then…


Lessons in innovation and tips for tomorrow

During the Infosys conference this week, the hosts constantly asked the audience to vote on a variety of questions about innovation. The organisers did say that they had wondered whether innovation was the right subject to focus upon this year, considering that for some it would be the last thing on their minds, but then…


What is innovation in banking?

I spent all day yesterday with a group of bankers in Portugal. Why? Well, it is the annual Infosys customer conference and they were kind enough to invite me over to give a keynote, which I will post here shortly. It was also run under Chatham House rules … so here’s who said what. Actually,…


Forget money, let’s use sand

For years, I’ve played poker with matches and chips rather than coins and notes. We accept that a match can be ten cents or a chip is a dollar or more. We don’t need real money to know our exchange rates. Now, this basic idea is being replicated in social networks. Facebook, as many of…

Has the G20 solved the financial crisis?

NO I was going to leave it at that but ok, I guess I better explain. The G20 is here. No more G7 or G8. Twenty of them now. Count them. The big EU players, America, the BRIC economies, Japan. You’ve got Argentina, Oz, Canada in there. Indonesia gets a nod, as does Saudi Arabia…


What is innovation in payments?

I was asked to write about innovation in payments last week, and so here’s the first of three parts. The first part will focus upon retail payments innovation; the second, corporate payments; and the third, trade settlement. A weekly non-exhaustive update so to speak. First, what is innovation? Let’s define it again (yes, I’ve blogged…

Is there any innovation here? Nope

After the innotribe stuff, it was off to a panel debate about “payments innovation”. This session was described as follows: “The crisis has put the emphasis back on traditional banking and sources of revenue, with payments coming to the fore again. Yet payments are also seen as a commoditised, legacy business where scale is everything….

Is there any innovation here? Nope

After the innotribe stuff, it was off to a panel debate about “payments innovation”. This session was described as follows: “The crisis has put the emphasis back on traditional banking and sources of revenue, with payments coming to the fore again. Yet payments are also seen as a commoditised, legacy business where scale is everything….

SWIFT innovations: a ‘trust score’ (update)

So, the innotribe session has just come to a close.  I'll post more about the ideas proposed for SWIFT to invest in later, but here's our team's idea. First, what is innotribe? It's a stream at SIBOS focused upon finding innovations in finance for the future comprising SWIFT and banks, corporates and anyone else who's…

SWIFT innovations: a ‘trust score’ (update)

So, the innotribe session has just come to a close.  I'll post more about the ideas proposed for SWIFT to invest in later, but here's our team's idea. First, what is innotribe? It's a stream at SIBOS focused upon finding innovations in finance for the future comprising SWIFT and banks, corporates and anyone else who's…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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