Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Innovation, the future and horses

After that panel session it’s literally been rush, rush, rush. Rushed off to join a panel that I was presenting, chaired by Matteo Rizzi of SWIFT. The panel consisted of a role play discussing the six themes I’ve blogged about in the build up to SIBOS with Mary Knox of Gartner and Richard Jaggard of…


Innovation, the future and horses

After that panel session it’s literally been rush, rush, rush. Rushed off to join a panel that I was presenting, chaired by Matteo Rizzi of SWIFT. The panel consisted of a role play discussing the six themes I’ve blogged about in the build up to SIBOS with Mary Knox of Gartner and Richard Jaggard of…


What does the future bank look like?

This is the last of a series of blogs about social finance that has covered new entrants to banking, their barriers to entry, how they might disrupt banks, social technologies and more. If you missed the earlier entries, here they are: Why banks struggle to innovate The relevance of social media to banks Why banks…


What does the future bank look like?

This is the last of a series of blogs about social finance that has covered new entrants to banking, their barriers to entry, how they might disrupt banks, social technologies and more. If you missed the earlier entries, here they are: Why banks struggle to innovate The relevance of social media to banks Why banks…


PayPal’s vision for the future of payments

Just got sent a link to PayPal's vision for the future of payments, used when they launched their flexible API in July: Very nice too. The Finanser is sponsored by Vocalink and Cisco:  For details of sponsorship email us.


PayPal’s vision for the future of payments

Just got sent a link to PayPal's vision for the future of payments, used when they launched their flexible API in July: Very nice too. The Finanser is sponsored by Vocalink and Cisco:  For details of sponsorship email us.


Your next employee

Just read this wonderful list from Beloit College of how their student class of 2009 will think.  Here's my edited version.  Born in 1991: Freddie Mercury has always been dead. Mike Tyson has always been a criminal. The Green Giant has always been Shrek. They have never used a card catalogue to find a book….


Why banks have no competition

Over the past few weeks, I've been posting a blog each week about social networking themes in the build up to the big bank tradeshow, SIBOS. First, I argued that banks don't innovate, and then I put forward the reasons why social networks are relevant to banks. Nevertheless, although I regularly blog about social networks…


In love with Kiva

For those of you who haven't heard of Kiva, it's a P2P lending community with a difference.  It's the Grameen Bank of the Zopa world.  In other words, it facilitates microfinance, using the web as an enabler.  And it's wonderful. Why is it wonderful? OK.  It starts with that fact that it connects people with…


What was it Reagan said?

Ronald Reagan is widely quoted as saying: “There are three kinds of people in the world – those who make it happen, those who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened”Ronald Reagan, 1911-2004 I have a new variation of this theme however. "There are three kinds of people who use technology – those…

Big Ben

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser