Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Establishment is just PANTS!!!

I was quite intrigued to hear a speech by Ben Ramsden, Founder and CEO of Pants to Poverty. Ben's talk was all about social business which, when combined with social finance, creates a completely different and new form of commerce that, if the next generation has any say, will compete with and potentially merge with…

Pants to Poverty2

Forecasting the Future

Some folks are aware that I co-founded the website Shaping Tomorrow and have a passion for all things in the future.  This is because the future is the only thing we cannot know, but we can shape the future and take advantage of opportunities if we spot them before everyone else. So I was fascinated…

The iPhone 7 and iPad 4

I just noticed that iPad 2 is planned for release on the same day as Blackberry release their Playbook tablet in April 2011.  This will follow the iPhone 5 release in January 2011. But what comes after this?   What will Apple and Android products look like in 2014? Well, here's a demonstration of the…

The Long Blog about the Long Now

Much of last week was focused on the Long Now and Long Finance for me. Working with a group of thought leaders that included Venessa Miemis, Thierry Touchais, John Hagel, Stefan Nusser, Michael Mainelli, Paul Saffo, Bruce Davis, Brett King, Nova Spivack and more, we debated big topic items all week. And yes, there were…

Big Questions

Which nation will be next global superpower?

As mentioned the other day, we are asking some big ticket long-term questions at SIBOS this year, such as: When will we know that financial systems work? How will we know when financial risk is not an issue anymore? What will America and Europe be doing when the economic power balance has shifted to Asia?…

All credit to Jane

Jane wakes to the sound of Michael Bublé on her wristband communicator (a 4G broadband videostrap). She washes and has breakfast before skipping out of the house and onto the metro. As she enters the station, her communicator flags to the metro system that “Jane Smith” has passed through the doors. She reads the paper…


Banks “have to unhinge themselves from the physicality of banking”

I interviewed good friend Brett King last week, author of Bank 2.0, and here’s a podcast that some Finanser readers might enjoy: Download Brett King Podcast (right-click link to save file) Brett King from Chris Skinner on Vimeo. Note that I started by trying to bait Brett a little bit by being a technology and…

Bank 2.0

EU’s bank stress tests creating more bank stress

It turns out that 91 European banks are to be put through a ‘stress test’ to see how well or badly they will cope with a shock to the system. The stress test itself was a little unclear until late last week, when the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) detailed what would happen. As…

Think the unthinkable

Many interesting, weird and wonderful things drop into my inbox, Facebook newsfeed and twitter status updates. Take yesterday. I was sent: a copy of the BBA’s Annual Abstract of Banking Statistics, lots of notes from my accountant, various invites to press shindigs, a note from FatBoy Slim, who is an England groupie at the World…


Bank branches and the next gen mobile

Spent a lot of time yesterday talking with folks about the future of money, payments and banking. The conversation got interesting in two particular areas: branches and mobile services. This is because I realised some things. Take branches. There appears to be an evolution of branch usage from underbanked economies through emerging economies to developed…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser