Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Welcome to your relationship machine, how can I help?

I engaged in a lengthy debate yesterday about digital banking (for a change). The core of the discussion is whether humans are needed in a digital bank. Not humans to program the bank, as they’re obviously needed, but humans to service the customer. It was somewhat of a null debate, as you will definitely have…

Earth 2.0: a world ruled by the people, for the people?

I presented this morning the vision of 2035. It’s too long and too much to go into (I had 2 hours to present and got through half my slides!), but the core of the presentation went along the lines of defining Earth 2.0. I actually don’t like the term 2.0 or 3.0, but it’s well…

Earth 2.0: a world ruled by the people, for the people?

I presented this morning the vision of 2035. It’s too long and too much to go into (I had 2 hours to present and got through half my slides!), but the core of the presentation went along the lines of defining Earth 2.0. I actually don’t like the term 2.0 or 3.0, but it’s well…

2014: let the good times roll

It is interesting to hear the non-stop debate about the UK housing market bubble (and it is a bubble); the settling of the European markets after the sovereign debt crisis; the burgeoning US economy that is getting back to normal superpower status; whilst China will be the #1 economy by 2018; and other bullish market…

Life, money and banking in the year 2035

As mentioned last week, one of my clients has asked me to present a vision of banking in 2035. That’s a long way out. To put it in context, I would have to jump back in time to 1993 to think about banking in 2014. In 1993, we didn’t have much idea about the future….

Who let the dogs out?

I was going to use this in my presentations but it’s far too difficult to fit everything in these days, so it’s a blog post instead. I’ve been asked to research 2035 by a client. One of the things I stumbled across was this: “Scandinavian scientists develop dog ‘translator’”. This is an experimental device that…


We are not Borg, we are Human and dancing to a different tune

Building to the theme of the divide between the old world of finance and the new, and why (some) banks aren't fit for the 21st century, brings a few more points to mind, in particular about control and centralisation. Banks were built as control freaks. They need to own the complete end-to-end cycle of everything….

Old world

We are not Borg, we are Human and dancing to a different tune

Building to the theme of the divide between the old world of finance and the new, and why (some) banks aren't fit for the 21st century, brings a few more points to mind, in particular about control and centralisation. Banks were built as control freaks. They need to own the complete end-to-end cycle of everything….

Old world

Cloud computing comes of age (thanks to vertical alignment to banking)

For some years now, banks have been grappling with the idea of cloud. A bit like Big Data, ‘cloud’ is this amorphic term that offers a panacea of solutions and nothing specific. This is not actually true, but the wide-ranging breadth of cloud and few and far between examples of depth, make it a term…

Cloud computing comes of age (thanks to vertical alignment to banking)

For some years now, banks have been grappling with the idea of cloud. A bit like Big Data, ‘cloud’ is this amorphic term that offers a panacea of solutions and nothing specific. This is not actually true, but the wide-ranging breadth of cloud and few and far between examples of depth, make it a term…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser