Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


A future US-EU trade war?

Few of us can forget the terrible attack on Paris in November.  When the Paris attacks took place at the end of last year, I was lucky enough to visit Paris a couple of days later for the annual CARTES conference event. Some firms had pulled out last minute for fear of further attacks, but…

Elon Musk: the real Tony Stark of the 21st century?

So I just got back from Hong Kong having keynoted at the NextBank FF16 Fintech Finals conference which ran Monday and Tuesday, in partnership with StartmeupHK. A highlight of the week was a fireside chat with Elon Musk, who appeared before a sold out invitation-only audience which I felt lucky to be invited along to,…

Is there any good news out there?

I’ve been wondering how this year would start and so far the answer seems badly.  What with David Bowie’s death on the same day as I catch man-flu, could it get any worse?  Well yes.  I wake up to the headline: Sell everything ahead of stock market crash, say RBS economists.  NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!! Royal Bank of…

We are the Robots …

To complete my discussion this week about the future world of longevity, and its impact on savings and investments, many of you may have missed the speech by Andy Haldane, Chief Economist at the Bank of England and Executive Director, Monetary Analysis and Statistics about robots replacing humans during the next few decades.  It caused a…

What happens if your Digital Identity is compromised?

I’ve been asked the same question twice this week in two separate conferences (one in Vienna, the other in San Francisco): “how will we deal with the corruptive forces when we are all on the net?” The second questioner clarified what she meant by referencing the film Enemy of the State, where Will Smith gets…


Technologies have hardly touched our world yet …

We think we’ve come a long way with technology, but we haven’t really.  Sure we can now ping a message between a router in Hong Kong and London at the rate of 0.239 seconds speed; we can wear a watch that not only tells the time but takes photos, keeps our diary and tells us…

Iphone battery

The most likely future for cryptocurrencies

So yesterday, I said that bitcoin will not escape the regularity focus.  This is a philosophical debate, rather than a technical one, and may be decided by the precedents that have gone before as the internet of money is actually Net 6.0. What I mean by this is that the internet has undergone at least…

Banks face more change in next 10 years than in the last 200

Sticking with the future predictions, I usually quote the great American baseball player Yogi Berra: “it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future”.  He had quite a few comments of that ilk: “the future isn’t what it used to be”, and it is certainly true. It is particularly true when we look at the…

Readers Digest 1966

Watch the future unfold (the best future vids on YouTube)

I often scan the net for videos portraying visions of the future.  To be honest, most of them look the same now.  For example, in my last set, I posted visions from Corning, Micrsoft and more.  Having done this three times – one, two, three – I guess I can start a series, so this…

The future supply chain

I’ve been thinking quite a bit about corporate treasury lately and the supply chain, and wondered what would happen if and when 3D printing really took off. By way of example, you can now 3D print your own car or house if you want, and that means that the whole supply chain collapses, as does…

3d printed handbag

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser