What has Genghis Khan ever done for us?
I recently had a discussion about Genghis Khan, who I think of as some ancestral tyrant dictator who sowed his seed so far and wide that most of the modern world has his DNA. However, he also had another side called leadership. A friend of mine decided to use Khan’s leadership model to frame digital…
Banks make millions from the most vulnerable
As mentioned, I’m dealing with my mother’s financial affairs as she reaches end of life, and I’m finding it incredibly frustrating. The process is that there first needs to be a Power of Attorney in place. Luckily, she saw that coming and gave it to me. That’s a government portal which allows me to take…
AI may be good with words, but when it comes to numbers, duh?
There’s a really interesting research paper recently published by Apple’s engineers looking at how well LLMs (Large Language Models), the heart of AI systems like ChatGPT, and asking about their ability to deliver mathematical reasoning. They conclude that they are not ready for prime time right now. To illustrate the issue, TechCrunch gave this example: Let’s say…
How the internet has taken over our lives
I remember companies like Gartner and Forrester predicting that there would be a trillion dollar market in online sales by 2020 back in the 1990s. Now we are in 2024, it’s a three trillion dollar market, and so I thought it might be interesting to look at the various statistics being bandied about by firms…
The future should look like the future
I just stumbled across a leap in the world. Cordless charging. Forget your cables, everything is now just charged through the air or by putting something onto a wireless charging point. It’s called induction charging and you’ve probably already used it. You put your phone down on a mouse-mat sort of base, and it starts…