Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Monthly MiFID MTF Monitor: February 2010

In our second month of monitoring the MTF performances in European Equities trading in partnership with Thomson Reuters Equity Market Share Reporter (EMSR) – for last month's figures and charts, click here – we find that Chi-X continues its success, whilst LSE win this month's battle with Xetra for second place. Market Share based upon…

Monthly MiFID Monitor, February, EUR

“Greed is good … and now it’s legal”

Remember Gordon Gecko from Wall Street? Well … he's back: "Wall Street – Money Never Sleeps", released on April 23rd. Money never sleeps. Lunch is for wimps. Bankers are always winners.  

Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed (AIG)

Just saw the folk group Show of Hands on the Beeb singing their song Arrogance, Ignorance and Greed (AIG) about … yes, you guessed it … bankers! Here are the lyrics: All I wanted was a home And a roof over our heads Somewhere we could call our own Feel safer in our beds There…

Barclays bright star

The case against nationalisation: Barclays Today’s main story around the markets is Barclays and their results, with a stonking £11.6 billion profit for 2009: All anticipations beforehand were that the bank would announce £10.3 to £11 billion ($16 to $17 billion) profits, so these results were fairly stupendous. The result is also, according to CEO…


LSE’s marketing gets desperate

I realise that the LSE has been challenged by the new MTFs like Chi-X, which is why it has recently acquired Turquoise, but surely this sort of advertising is going to new extremes …


And the best Asian City to HQ your etrading is …

I'm pleased to welcome this guest blog entry by Steve Edge of Singapore is the best city in Asia to headquarter an electronic trading business according to a two week opinion poll conducted at the website. The result is no surprise as Singapore has a low corporate tax rate of 18% (17% in…

OId boys versus the new boyz

Just been at another fascinating conference on trading and low latency in the capitalmarkets. I’ll write more later on but, for now, thought you might be interested in these stats from Karel Lanoo, CEO of CEPS (not exceptions processing – the Council of European Policy Studies). He compared the London Stock Exchange (LSE’s) trading and…

Hubba-hubba UBS

It’s been fascinating to watch the rollercoaster of the finance industry over the past two years, with one or two banks illustrating the issues in the market well. But no bank can provide a better testament to the market’s ups and downs than the Swiss Bank UBS or, as most media reports talk about them,…

Spot the Bank Ad …

I cannot believe it! SuperBowl used to be a great American tradition with Visa, MasterCard and a variety of other financial firms champing at the bit to get a bit of attention. Now, in these austere times of banks avoiding advertising, not a single bank or firm in these markets fezzed up the $3 million…


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