Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Are Asian corporates the same or different?

After writing earlier this week about the bullish views of HSBC on China and Asia as a whole, with the clear view that the world has decoupled, Asia is self-sustaining and China will be the largest economy in the world by 2035 or sooner, I was really interested to hear the views of Damian Glendinning…

China will be world’s largest economy by 2035

So I’m hiding out this week in Singapore at the Eurofinance Cash, Treasury and Risk show for Asia. I love this conference as you get here and see the sponsor’s names – HSBC, JPMorgan, RBS, Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. There ya’ go, you just know it’s gonna be a…


Britain’s favourite advert

This has nothing to do with banking, but all to do with marketing.  John Lewis, a mutual partnership retail store in Britain, recently launched a new advert.  Costing £6 million, it's a remarkable ad and captures and inspires citizens across Britain, particularly women: "All over Britain, women are kneeling in front of their tellies, heads…

The Great Election Debate

So we had the third and final leadership debate last night before the UK goes to the polls to vote for a hung Parliament (the most likely result). The debate is between the David Cameron for the Conservatives (leading the polls), Gordon Brown for Labour (rather gaff-prone this week) and Nick Clegg for the Liberal-Democrats…

Leaders debate

And the best bank brand in the world is … Chinese

Fascinating report in the FT this week about Global Brands, with the financial sector bouncing back the strongest of all. MasterCard and Visa led the financial pack, although Goldman Sachs saw a 25% growth in brand value over the last year … I wonder how much they lost this year? Anyways, considering banks had the…

Top 20 Bank Brands in the World

Joseph Stiglitz: Poster Boy

Just back from a short haul flight to Spain.  Reading the BA Business Mag, I stumbled across this  (doubleclick photo to see the full-size picture): Yes, it's Joseph Stiglitz: Poster Boy! Actually, it's the Nobel prize winner Joseph Stiglitz, economist and professor at Columbia University. In a short interview, he talks about life and views…

Joseph Stiglitz

The Fourteenth Banker

A friend in the USA sent me a link to the Huffington Post’s story about the Fourteenth Banker. This is a new blog, started last month, by a senior XVP in a Top Ten US Bank that has been using TARP funds. Why has he called the blog the Fourteenth Banker? The name is based…

Banking … better than cigarettes, but worse than Toyota

I just downloaded Harris Interactive’s 11th annual reputation survey of America’s most visible companies. The reputation survey assesses companies on a scale of twenty attributes in six dimensions … … and, during the first six weeks of 2010, Harris Interactive interviewed almost 30,000 people to see what they thought of America's 60 "most visible" brands….


Jamie Dimon’s Shareholders Letter (Part One)

Jamie Dimon’s letter to JPMorgan Chase’s shareholders was released over the weekend. It’s a great 36-page read and, although I don’t normally do this, I thought it worth reprinting some of the key aspects here as it provides a fascinating insight into a global bank’s operations. This takes the form of four posts. This first…

Net Revenues

Jamie Dimon on Bank Bonuses and TARP (Part Two)

Jamie Dimon’s letter to JPMorgan Chase’s shareholders included some interesting comments related to banker's bonuses and TARP: “Many commentators, in an attempt to measure fairness and reasonableness of a company’s compensation payouts, have looked at total compensation as a percentage of revenue. On this basis, JPMorgan Chase’s total compensation (salaries, benefits and bonuses) was 27%…

Staff benefits

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Chris Skinner - Financial Markets Advisor of the Year - The Finanser - UK 2023

Best Financial Markets Advisor of the Year 2023

30 Best Regtech Blogs and Websites 2023

Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser