Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things worth reading: 25th June 2018

Things we’re reading today include … Banks May Be Using Lehman-Style Trick to Disguise Debt Why David Drumm cooked the books at Anglo Irish Bank German asset managers demand ‘unhindered access’ to City of London in boost for Brexit Britain Iceland: From crisis to hotspot, 10 years on from the financial crisis Kenya’s bankers warn…

So you think Alipay is just for the Chinese?

I’ve got caught in a few discussions recently with people who tell me Ant Financial are Chinese. They’re not. Neither is Alibaba and, if you think they’re just Chinese, you’re going to miss a huge change in the next decade. Ant Financial is an open marketplace of apps, APIs and analytics, that I’ve been describing…

Things worth reading: 7th May 2018

Things we’re reading today include … Venezuela Spends 20,000 Petro to Create a Digital Cryptocurrency Bank Blind customers locked out by bank web upgrades Bank Stocks Have Peaked, Here’s Why Bank of America’s loan to Remington tests its firearms pledge ANZ scraps sales bonuses for financial planners as inquiry shakes up sector Airlines to launch…

Will platforms replace governments?

I often talk about my week in Hangzhou last year, writing the case study on Ant Financial for the new book Digital Human, and particularly the words of Jack Ma on how he sees managing the Alibaba platform: Management. The word is there for regular companies. At Alibaba we treat it more like governing an…

The wealth divide is growing and threatening

A final reflection on the way of the world before getting back to FinTech and banking. Whilst on holiday, we became interested in buying a property in Dubai, and began making enquiries. It soon transpired that this would be a dream, as the average price of a villa on the Palm was over $4 million,…

Innovation with compliance is difficult

I’ve been at a few conferences this week, and was amused by an audience poll at one event. The moderator first of all asked: Do you believe that the regulators are in the incumbent’s pockets and protect the industry from new competition? You may find it gratifying that most of the audience disagreed with the…

Why I like Turkish banks

Just before Christmas, I was interviewed by a Turkish magazine about the future, Turkey and fintech. I thought it might interest folks to share it here … When you wrote your first book about fintech – little was known about it. How much has that changed and have your predictions so far come true? Things…

The driving force behind creating digital identity schemes

I’m often talking about digital identity and struggle with the subject. This is because the meeting of ID2020 I attended at the United Nations 18 months ago, talked about the issues of digital identity and poverty, and how the poorest are the most susceptible to human trafficking and slavery: How the system crushes the poor Most…

Banking as usual is NOT an option

I’ve blogged quite a bit about adapting to change lately, and will continue to do so as banking-as-usual (BAU) is not an option. It’s similar to standing in the middle of the road. If you stand there for long enough, you’ll get run over. This is as true in banking: if you stop changing, you…

Did my 2017 predictions come true?

Back in January, I made 10 predictions for 2017. Let’s see how near or off the mark they were: The FinTech buzz continues, but not in the USA (look East) WRONG. According to KPMG’s Pulse of FinTech report, Q3 2017, I’m wrong. Asia was doing ok but nowhere near as strong as 2016, whilst America…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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