Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


The Top 10 challenges for investment banks in 2016

Accenture have produced a nice infographic and more, detailing the top 10 challenges for investment banks in 2016. Due to my limited wifi connectivity, I’ll just give you the headlines here but, if you have time, it’s well worth copying and pasting this link to learn more So here’s the top 10, and there’s…

2016 banking predictions

That’s not 2,016 banking predictions, which could be good, but banking predictions for the year 2016. Happy New Year. As is usual at the start of the year, I normally make a bunch of predictions about what will happen in retail, investment and transaction banking … but this year is not usual so I’m not…

The Top 10 Blog Posts of 2015

As it’s almost holiday time, I’m going to stop blogging for a while, so here’s the final blog post of 2015 and it’s the ten most read blog posts of 2015.  In at number 10: #10: After the glitch, RBS closes GTS (or how a global bank becomes a national one) I was surprised to…

Youtube Chris

2015: Fintech, Fintech, Fintech

Yes, 2015 was the year that the Fintech bubble exploded.  It hasn’t burst yet, but it’s clear that Fintech is the word of 2015.  Everyone is talking unicorns, start-ups, disruption, Fintech and yet this is nothing new.  I often say that I’m only known in the Fintech world because I’ve worked in technology in finance…

2015: putting data in context

The other big trend in 2015 has been the noticeable move of banks away from Big Data to Data Analytics.  Some say it’s all about the Small Data, but it’s more about the Context of Data. Contextual Data is what PayPal brought into when they acquired Modest and it’s detail.  This year, I’ve been surprised…

Rules, regulations and principles

So we were having a conversation about rules-based versus principles-based regulation.  The UK is an advocate of the latter, which some say caused the global financial crisis.  I disagree.  The global financial crisis was caused by not having a good view of the risk and connectivity between derivatives and their dependencies.  The market and credit…

Little today is real-time or near-free … but this will change and here’s why

was recently hired as a keynote for an American client.  Those who know me, will know my message.  Everything has to be real time and near free, based upon mobile P2P connectivity (real-time) and shared ledger (near free) technologies.  This is the theme I use regularly now and I cite examples like an $81 million blockchain…

Who wants to live forever?

Building on yesterday’s blog about aging and the 150-year old humans to come, it really highlights how technology is re-inventing every part of living on Earth.  From Fintech to Science to Life Sciences, every aspect of humanity is being turned upside down.  We can invent humans from beakers in labs to synthetics in production lines….

110 years to save for retirement: the future of mortgages, pensions and savings

I don’t like talking about the long-term future much, as who knows anything about the long-term future?  Nevertheless, there are some things that are obvious in the long-term future based upon technological advances.  As far back as the early days of the telephone, everyone knew that the phone would move to video connectivity and, thanks…

Greece is the word

I receive a few infographics and don't publish all of them, but found this one from Eazy Cash very interesting.  It portrays the current situation in Greece, which we all know has been suffering badly from the Sovereign Debt crisis and subsequent economic fallout.  Key headlines include: 50% of young people are unemployed; Greek people…

Lessons from the Greek Economic Crisis - An Infographic

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser