Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Speed Without Disruption – HPC On Wall Street Monday

High Performance Computing on Wall Street has been running for a couple of years now, but interest seems at an all-time high this year. Today I have talked to IBM, Cisco and, on a related matter, Platform Computing. One common theme, which I will elaborate on Monday since some of this is embargoed, is that…

Microsoft Legacy Modernization Program

The Mainframe Migration Alliance (MMA) and the Midrange Alliance Program (MAP) will host a meeting on legacy modernization at the Fira Palace Hotel in Barcelona from 1:00 – 4:00 pm on 9 October. The meeting will provide an opportunity to learn more about Microsoft’s plans regarding legacy modernization and offer an opportunity for attendees to…

The Less so Bleedin’ Obvious – CDO’s Created Crisis

After yesterday’s blog about the state of the markets and the concluding line: "When you see a way of making money with no risks, you see the fool’s gold", I guess the obvious question is: Why didn’t the banks see the fool’s gold?  After all, these are institutions that go back over five centuries, with…

The Less so Bleedin’ Obvious – CDO’s Created Crisis

After yesterday’s blog about the state of the markets and the concluding line: "When you see a way of making money with no risks, you see the fool’s gold", I guess the obvious question is: Why didn’t the banks see the fool’s gold?  After all, these are institutions that go back over five centuries, with…

Department of the Bleedin’ Obvious – Lending Created Crisis

Some totally obvious comments are coming out in the media today. Take the UK’s new Chancellor of the Exchequer (the old one got promoted to Prime Minister) Alistair Darling who is headlined today as saying that banks “need to know who they’re lending to, how much they’re lending and what the risk is. Now, that’s elementary…

HSBC’s Knight in Rusty Armour

During the weekend, there were lots of reports on the attack by Eric Knight on HSBC’s governance and strategy.  Eric Knight, who is CEO of Knight Vinke Asset Management, is airing his concerns in public, he claims, as a result of the FSA’s Market Watch (six page pdf) of May 2007 which focused upon shareholder…

HSBC’s Knight in Rusty Armour

During the weekend, there were lots of reports on the attack by Eric Knight on HSBC’s governance and strategy.  Eric Knight, who is CEO of Knight Vinke Asset Management, is airing his concerns in public, he claims, as a result of the FSA’s Market Watch (six page pdf) of May 2007 which focused upon shareholder…

HSBC’s Knight in Rusty Armour

During the weekend, there were lots of reports on the attack by Eric Knight on HSBC’s governance and strategy.  Eric Knight, who is CEO of Knight Vinke Asset Management, is airing his concerns in public, he claims, as a result of the FSA’s Market Watch (six page pdf) of May 2007 which focused upon shareholder…

Sexism in the City

This is not a new news story, but it is a news story.  Banking is a man's world.   Sounds a bit sexist doesn't it, but many of us would say that there is still active discrimination in some business sectors on the grounds of age, sex, ethnicity, religion and physical attributes.  Maybe it's human…

Indian outsourcers exposed to US sub-prime woes

    The knock-on effect of the American sub-prime crisis goes on and on. According to reports from Data Monitor, it now hits the Indian outsourcing sector. This is because firms such as First Magnus closing their doors to business and filing for bankruptcy then rolls on to impact their BPO partners, such as WNS,…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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