Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Keep Calm and Innovate

Friday’s blog was all about bank innovation labs and structures. A serious and committed undertaking this time around, with many experimentations and proofs of concept taking place, especially around blockchain. Great. The thing is that as I walk into these hallowed places of bank sponsored creation, it feels like a very formal version of a FinTech…

Regulations, Innovations, Sandboxes and #RegTech

So I just attended a really interesting two day meeting that covered all things blockchain, regulations, innovation and more. I’ll blog about the bits I can in the next few days, and thought I’d start with an overview of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) Regulatory Sandbox and Project Innovate. The Regulatory Sandbox was announced at…

The impossible dream: a digital identity for everyone

We heard the stories that set the context of the debate about identities and one specific comment stood out for me: Human traffickers first action is to destroy their victims identification papers = let’s get rid of paper identities #ID2020 @UN — Chris Skinner (@Chris_Skinner) 20 May 2016 Human traffickers’ first action is to get…

The future of Africa

I promise to shut up about African developments after this post, for a while anyway, but there’s a definite feeling that Africa may set the standards for a cheaper, easier financial system in the future, as blogged last week.  In fact, when I was asked about Africa as a continent in Kenya, I said that…

Are we in danger of creating faster horses?

I’m often talking about Victorian visions of the future to illustrate the issue we have today. The Victorian vision of the future was dealing with a number of problems, one of which was horse shit. Manure. Manure was a massive issue.   Victorian Britain had too many horses and carriages on the streets, and the horses…

Marketplace lending comes of age

One of the interviewees in my new book ValueWeb is Ron Suber, President of Prosper Marketplace Lending. Ron gave a speech last week which is summarized below. Well worth a read. Marketplace Lending: Evolution of an Asset Class (The following post is excerpted from a keynoted speech I gave at the 2016 LendIt USA conference) Over…

Standards: Collaboration or Cartel (LEIs and ISO17442)

I had a lovely conversation with a group of investment bankers last night about technology transformation in capital markets. During the opening, a consistent theme cropped up: standards, interoperability, collaboration and cooperation … or lack of it. It is interesting that, in the buy and sell side world, few standards have worked except for FIX…

Challenger versus incumbent or challenger and incumbent

I guess my highlight of #Money2020Europe was moderating a discussion between Martin Blessing, CEO of Commerzbank, and Ricky Knox, CEO of UK digital-first start-up Tandem Bank. Really interesting back ‘n forth between ceos of Commerze Bank and Tandem Bank. #Money2020Europe — Kristian Luoma (@kluoma) April 6, 2016 We had a fascinating dialogue before the…

Things worth reading: 5th April 2016

Things we’re reading today include … Credit Suisse CEO Thiam targets bigger China presence Quantum computing: Game changer or security threat? Banks turn to online talent forums Credit Suisse faces tough questions after $1 billion write-downs Bats plans second attempt at IPO Working past retirement age: for Generation X, putting the feet up seems a…

We are the Robots: science fiction becomes science fact

I recently talked about the oncoming internet developments that follow the internet of things, from the internet on demand (3D and 4D printing) to the internet of robots.  A colleague came up afterwards, and said I was daft to talk about robots.  It’s science fiction he claimed.  I disagreed as science fiction is rapidly becoming…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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