Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Money for nothing, and my ticks for free

BATS recently extended their market data feeds into free real-time feeds for AOL and Yahoo! Finance users. In recognition of this move, NASDAQ OMX now delivers free real-time market data to Google, the Wall Street Journal, CNBC and Xignite. Real-time market data for free on public websites for millions of consumers at home to access….

That Was The Week That Was

Absolutely nothing to do with banking but, as I think of this as a dialogue, I wanted to share a few stories with the Finanser community that made me smile this week, as well as made me proud to be in Europe. First was the Swedish court case against Apoteker, the state-run pharmacy.  Two chaps…

How recessions change financial behaviours, Part 2

We use the word crisis to mean danger and opportunity, and yesterday I blogged about what that means for local communities, who are using the current crisis to create local currencies. Today, it’s time to take a reality check regarding property.  For some, buying a house is an investment, for others it is a home,…

How recessions change financial behaviours, Part 2

We use the word crisis to mean danger and opportunity, and yesterday I blogged about what that means for local communities, who are using the current crisis to create local currencies. Today, it’s time to take a reality check regarding property.  For some, buying a house is an investment, for others it is a home,…

How recessions change financial behaviours, Part 2

We use the word crisis to mean danger and opportunity, and yesterday I blogged about what that means for local communities, who are using the current crisis to create local currencies. Today, it’s time to take a reality check regarding property.  For some, buying a house is an investment, for others it is a home,…

You can’t hide anything, Part 3: U2

Following on from previous entries, U2 are now the subject of a scandalous lack of privacy when their new album, No Line on the Horizon, was filched by a tourist in the South of France.    The tourist happened to be walking past Bono’s house just as Bono stuck the demo cuts on the iPod,…

You can’t hide anything, Part 3: U2

Following on from previous entries, U2 are now the subject of a scandalous lack of privacy when their new album, No Line on the Horizon, was filched by a tourist in the South of France.    The tourist happened to be walking past Bono’s house just as Bono stuck the demo cuts on the iPod,…

Do we really need Fund Managers? Continued …

Yesterday I asked the question, “Do we really need Fund Managers” and there were a couple of interesting comments which, rather than responding individually, I thought it worth writing a follow-on note. One was from Matthieu de Heering who says: “If you're trying to do as well as the market, then tracker funds (spiders) are probably a better ‘bet’.” …


Do we really need Fund Managers? Continued …

Yesterday I asked the question, “Do we really need Fund Managers” and there were a couple of interesting comments which, rather than responding individually, I thought it worth writing a follow-on note. One was from Matthieu de Heering who says: “If you're trying to do as well as the market, then tracker funds (spiders) are probably a better ‘bet’.” …


Investing 2.0: do we really need Fund Managers

As most of you know, I’m always messing about with internet applications for social networking, virtual worlds, future tech, gadgets, games and so on and so forth. There’s always a reason for this, as in it’s fun, but I like to think it’s all work-related fun of course. So I was messing around with social…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser