Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Branch or Internet? A stark choice.

Last year, I got into a long debate about investments in branches versus alternative channels, so I thought I would get into that debate again a year on … but with a twist.Today, if a bank does not have IP networking as the core wiring for the organisation, then they will miss a trick because…

Riders of the Storm

Whilst several banks have been hit and buffered by the storms of the credit crisis, with a few sinking with loss of jobs, there are one or two banks that have been sailing through this storm with determination and focus. A few were derided when the storm set in, such as Citi who I mentioned…

Riders of the Storm

Whilst several banks have been hit and buffered by the storms of the credit crisis, with a few sinking with loss of jobs, there are one or two banks that have been sailing through this storm with determination and focus. A few were derided when the storm set in, such as Citi who I mentioned…

Banks are technology firms in disguise

This week, there are quite a few folks in Prague at a conference on payments in Central & Eastern Europe including myself. Lots of local banks presenting as well as regionally focused transaction providers, such as ING, Raiffiessen and Deutsche. What struck me as these discussions developed, is that quite of a few of the…

Banks are technology firms in disguise

This week, there are quite a few folks in Prague at a conference on payments in Central & Eastern Europe including myself. Lots of local banks presenting as well as regionally focused transaction providers, such as ING, Raiffiessen and Deutsche. What struck me as these discussions developed, is that quite of a few of the…

American banks also win today

We wake up today to find that Barack Obama has been duly crowned Prince, sorry, elected as the next President of America. Whatever your view of that result, the fact is that it brings a sense of ‘hope over fear’ to America, and the world. What this means long-term will be interesting, but for the…

Wells Fargo: a lesson in Web 2.0

I was delighted to host Wells Fargo at the Financial Services Club last night. Wells gave an update on their Web 2.0 strategies, which are far and away ahead of most other banks in Europe. This was corroborated by the bankers attending, who said to me afterwards that they were stunned by just how leading edge some…

Wells Fargo: a lesson in Web 2.0

I was delighted to host Wells Fargo at the Financial Services Club last night. Wells gave an update on their Web 2.0 strategies, which are far and away ahead of most other banks in Europe. This was corroborated by the bankers attending, who said to me afterwards that they were stunned by just how leading edge some…

Marketing Financial Services to the over 50’s

Dick Stroud, an expert on using interactive channels to communicate with the over-50s market, posted a blog on his website yesterday that includes a link to his presentation on the subject. The presentation is fascinating as it shows the major growing group of users of social networks are oldies, except what do we mean by…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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30 Best Regtech Blogs and Websites 2023

Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser