Eliot Spitzer’s top 10 answerphone messages
10. “Hey, what’s new?” 9. “It’s Barack Obama. Remember our conversation about being my running mate? Never mind.” 8. “Ralph Nader here. Glad to hear I’m not the only politician who has to pay for it.” 7. “Hi. I’m calling from the New York Post. Would you rather be known as ‘Disgraced Governor Perv’ or…
Eliot Spitzer’s top 10 answerphone messages
10. “Hey, what’s new?” 9. “It’s Barack Obama. Remember our conversation about being my running mate? Never mind.” 8. “Ralph Nader here. Glad to hear I’m not the only politician who has to pay for it.” 7. “Hi. I’m calling from the New York Post. Would you rather be known as ‘Disgraced Governor Perv’ or…
Eliot Spitzer’s top 10 answerphone messages
10. “Hey, what’s new?” 9. “It’s Barack Obama. Remember our conversation about being my running mate? Never mind.” 8. “Ralph Nader here. Glad to hear I’m not the only politician who has to pay for it.” 7. “Hi. I’m calling from the New York Post. Would you rather be known as ‘Disgraced Governor Perv’ or…
Eliot Spitzer’s top 10 answerphone messages
10. “Hey, what’s new?” 9. “It’s Barack Obama. Remember our conversation about being my running mate? Never mind.” 8. “Ralph Nader here. Glad to hear I’m not the only politician who has to pay for it.” 7. “Hi. I’m calling from the New York Post. Would you rather be known as ‘Disgraced Governor Perv’ or…
FSA’s data hypocrisy
I had a fascinating conversation with a group of information security professionals yesterday. We were talking around the issues of data leakage and covered a wide variety of subjects from accidental leakage to deliberate theft, from human frailties to ISO27001 standards, from the challenges of ensuring users find it easy to get the information they…
FSA’s data hypocrisy
I had a fascinating conversation with a group of information security professionals yesterday. We were talking around the issues of data leakage and covered a wide variety of subjects from accidental leakage to deliberate theft, from human frailties to ISO27001 standards, from the challenges of ensuring users find it easy to get the information they…
The end of the EU, euro, SEPA and MiFID is nigh?
There’s been a recent storm of controversy over the ECB’s decision to accept mortgage backed bonds from Spain. In effect, Spain has had a disastrous subprime mortgage collapse and has been bailed out by the ECB. This Investment Markets note of last week explains the process well, saying that Spanish banks have been…
The end of the EU, euro, SEPA and MiFID is nigh?
There’s been a recent storm of controversy over the ECB’s decision to accept mortgage backed bonds from Spain. In effect, Spain has had a disastrous subprime mortgage collapse and has been bailed out by the ECB. This Investment Markets note of last week explains the process well, saying that Spanish banks have been…
Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser