Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Interesting quote on investing

Paul Kedrosky, one of my favourite bloggers, picked out  a quote from Andy Rappaport of August Capital about social investing — the idea that you can do good via investing in ethical funds.  Andy says:    "A lot of socially responsible funds have this idea that they’ll provide a social return, but you’ll have to…

They shoot bankers don’t they?

There’s a fascinating roundtable discussion in Prospect Magazine this month. The discussion features: Jonathan Ford, Deputy Editor of Prospect and Chair of the discussion; Anatole Kaletsky, Economic Commentator and Associate Editor of the Times; George Soros, Chairman of Soros Fund Management; Mark Hannam, an independent who has previously worked for the Bank of England, Citibank…

Who knows their IBAN and BIC?

A question came up in today’s EBA sessions for Joe Pawelczyk, Vice President for International Relations at CHIPS, the American Clearing House for over $2 trillion of wire payments each day. The question seemed quite simple: “Why doesn’t America use IBANs for their bank account numbers, as all of Europe has now standardised on this?”…

Who knows their IBAN and BIC?

A question came up in today’s EBA sessions for Joe Pawelczyk, Vice President for International Relations at CHIPS, the American Clearing House for over $2 trillion of wire payments each day. The question seemed quite simple: “Why doesn’t America use IBANs for their bank account numbers, as all of Europe has now standardised on this?”…

Europe lacks a Leader

I don’t write about politics, because I am not a political creature. However, I felt compelled to write about this subject after Europe’s soul-searching over its identity since the Irish threw out the EU Treaty. The fact that the Constitution and the Treaty are unwanted does not de-stabilise our banking efforts under the Payment Services…

Exchanges fight over speeds and feeds misses the point

It is fascinating to watch the fight that is going on between the traditional exchanges – Deutsche Bourse, Euronext and London Stock Exchange (LSE) – and the new guys – Chi-x, BAT, virt-x, PLUSMarkets, Boat, Turquoise, NYFix Millennium, NASDAQ OMX, Equiduct … The fight is over liquidity, trading, order execution, pricing, clearing and settlement. In…

Exchanges fight over speeds and feeds misses the point

It is fascinating to watch the fight that is going on between the traditional exchanges – Deutsche Bourse, Euronext and London Stock Exchange (LSE) – and the new guys – Chi-x, BAT, virt-x, PLUSMarkets, Boat, Turquoise, NYFix Millennium, NASDAQ OMX, Equiduct … The fight is over liquidity, trading, order execution, pricing, clearing and settlement. In…

Exchanges fight over speeds and feeds misses the point

It is fascinating to watch the fight that is going on between the traditional exchanges – Deutsche Bourse, Euronext and London Stock Exchange (LSE) – and the new guys – Chi-x, BAT, virt-x, PLUSMarkets, Boat, Turquoise, NYFix Millennium, NASDAQ OMX, Equiduct … The fight is over liquidity, trading, order execution, pricing, clearing and settlement. In…

Exchanges fight over speeds and feeds misses the point

It is fascinating to watch the fight that is going on between the traditional exchanges – Deutsche Bourse, Euronext and London Stock Exchange (LSE) – and the new guys – Chi-x, BAT, virt-x, PLUSMarkets, Boat, Turquoise, NYFix Millennium, NASDAQ OMX, Equiduct … The fight is over liquidity, trading, order execution, pricing, clearing and settlement. In…

Can regulators really make markets more stable?

I found myself sceptically smiling when reading that the Financial Stability Forum is going to make the banking world safer by: Strengthening prudential oversight of capital, liquidity and risk management; Enhancing transparency and valuation; Changing the role and uses of credit ratings; Strengthening the authorities’ responsiveness to risks; and Ensuring there are robust arrangements for…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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