Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


And a summary of the bankers’ grilling too

For those who missed it like me, here’s a summary of the three hour long Treasury Select Committee meeting yesterday, where Sir Fred Goodwin and Sir Tom McKillop, respectively the former chief executive and chairman of RBS, along with Andy Hornby and Lord Stevenson of Coddenham, the former chief executive and chairman of HBOS, were…

Are these the green shoots of recovery?

After billions of dollars in bailouts and bonuses hit the decks, can we finally say that the worst is behind us? Many of us would like to think so, and possibly they could be right. I mean how much of this recession, depression, gaping black hole or whatever you want to call it, still sits…

Alan Greenspan caused this crisis

Back in November 2007, when Alan Greenspan was running around promoting his book, the Age of Turbulence, his kudos was high and standing was great.  It was just a year after leaving office and subprime had hit, but folks thought it was just a $300 billion hole … a mere drop in the ocean. I…

Alan Greenspan caused this crisis

Back in November 2007, when Alan Greenspan was running around promoting his book, the Age of Turbulence, his kudos was high and standing was great.  It was just a year after leaving office and subprime had hit, but folks thought it was just a $300 billion hole … a mere drop in the ocean. I…

Bill Clinton on creating a ‘bad bank’

At the 2009 World Economic Forum, former President Bill Clinton jokes about Vladimir Putin’s comments on free enterprise and then defends creating a ‘bad bank’ to spur economic stimulus.

Bill Clinton on creating a ‘bad bank’

At the 2009 World Economic Forum, former President Bill Clinton jokes about Vladimir Putin’s comments on free enterprise and then defends creating a ‘bad bank’ to spur economic stimulus.

Jamie Dimon: a CCP for OTC is Bad

Speaking of Jamie Dimon’s appearance at Davos, he called upon a rethink of the Central Clearing System for OTC Derivatives that everyone wants to see in play. The clearing and settlement area is the plumbing of financial service, where all risks of sellers or buyers defaulting are managed by the clearer acting as the buyer…

JP Morgan’s premature evacuation

As most banks see the brown stuff hitting the fan, they must be really jealous that JPMorgan seem so clean.  JPM’s CEO Jamie Dimon was one of the few bank chiefs willing to stick his head above the parapets this week at Davos, saying things like:“We gave them (customers) weapons of mass destruction to borrow…

European Regulators scramble to plug the gaps

David Doyle, policy expert on European financial markets, discussed the latest European financial services legislative movements at the Financial Services Club yesterday. David began with an outline of the priorities for the Czech Presidency of the European Union, which runs through to June: review of the Capital Requirements Directive for the capital adequacy of investment…

European Regulators scramble to plug the gaps

David Doyle, policy expert on European financial markets, discussed the latest European financial services legislative movements at the Financial Services Club yesterday. David began with an outline of the priorities for the Czech Presidency of the European Union, which runs through to June: review of the Capital Requirements Directive for the capital adequacy of investment…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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