Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Are banks getting a rough deal from regulators (just look at Third Party Account Access)

I seem to be relentlessly blogging about fintech, cryptocurrencies and disruption these days.  I guess because these are the things that are being discussed the most at the conferences I attend.  So it’s easy to forget that there are key regulatory changes coming into play, and the consequences of these, probably because these things are…


The challenges of client onboarding (or why bitcoin will be regulated)

I hosted a dinner last night under Chatham House Rule (no quoting anyone) in a superb venue (Rules, the oldest restaurant in London, established in 1798). The conversation was all about client onboarding and the challenge of keeping it fresh.  You get the KYC info, and then the customer is onboard.  But for how long?  …


As the Bitcoin Foundation fails, banks wake up

I’ve blogged before about how bitcoin will become institutionalised, that you cannot have money without government, why it needs a Foundation and how a Wild West structure for value exchange will fail.  It’s certainly moving in that direction after the latest revelations about the Bitcoin Foundation, alongside the equally revealing announcements that banks are incorporating…

Bitcoin foundation

Can you have decentralised exchange without centralised control?

I often have these debates with the bitcoin community about whether you can really have money without government.  Let’s not call it money without government even, let’s just focus upon the question of whether you can have value exchanges that are unregulated. The main protagonists for bitcoin continually tell me this is the reality.  They…

What does ‘too big to fail’ really mean? [Infographic]

I just received this fantastic infographic from the New Jersey Institute of Technology, discussing developments since 2008 and the financial crisis.  The context is whether the Big 5 American Banks are still too big to fail (TBTF), and whether the US government has introduced effective controls under Dodd-Frank to avoid the TBTF situation if another financial…

Europe’s regulatory jumble is still a puzzle to unfold

In our annual opening meeting at the Financial Services Club David Doyle, Policy Adviser on all matters to do with EU Regulations, gave us a swift canter through the key headlines in European financial markets focus for 2015. These included the guiding principles that: All that is of systemic importance should be regulated and supervised…

50 shades of grey … hair

I was talking about the component-based model and how it was now moving into component-based regulation, when someone challenged this notion. “Not our regulator”, he said.  “Our regulator’s going the other way, and consolidating all regulations under one national system”. I thought: we did that years ago.   When we had LIMRA, FIMBRA, IMRO, SFA,…

When we have component-based banking, what happens to the regulator?

I often talk about component-based banking, most recently in this four-part series in August: Part One: Banking on Demand – the Bank in the Cloud Part Two: Banking on Demand – the Open Sourced Bank Part Three: Banking on Demand – the Customer Focused Bank Part Four: Banking on Demand – the Component-Based Bank but…

When we have component-based banking, what happens to the regulator?

I often talk about component-based banking, most recently in this four-part series in August: Part One: Banking on Demand – the Bank in the Cloud Part Two: Banking on Demand – the Open Sourced Bank Part Three: Banking on Demand – the Customer Focused Bank Part Four: Banking on Demand – the Component-Based Bank but…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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