Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Things we’re reading: 20th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: Disgruntled shareholders vent fury at HSBC board (The Times) New whistleblower claims over £1bn Barclays tax deals (Guardian) RBS boss says trying to defend Sir Fred Goodwin is 'mission impossible' (Telegraph) The latest victim of the credit crunch: Sir Fred's private jet (Guardian) House Approves 90% Tax on Bonuses After…


Things we’re reading: 19th March 2009

Things we’re reading today include: Big jump in online banking fraud (BBC) Barclays ‘corrupt regime’ claim (BBC) Guardian loses legal challenge over Barclays documents gagging order (Guardian) Lord Turner’s key recommendations on banking regulation (Telegraph) Turner review blames ‘exaggerated faith’ in markets for financial crisis (Guardian) FSA’s last weapon in the new financial world will…

Things we’re reading: 19th March 2009

Things we’re reading today include: Big jump in online banking fraud (BBC) Barclays ‘corrupt regime’ claim (BBC) Guardian loses legal challenge over Barclays documents gagging order (Guardian) Lord Turner’s key recommendations on banking regulation (Telegraph) Turner review blames ‘exaggerated faith’ in markets for financial crisis (Guardian) FSA’s last weapon in the new financial world will…

Things we’re reading: 18th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: MPs condemn Barclays gag on Guardian over tax papers (Guardian) UniCredit seeks €4bn aid (Financial Times) Armed guards at AIG offices after death threats over bonuses (Times) IBM eyes Sun Microsystems for $6.5bn (Times) City watchdog reveals plan for financial overhaul (Independent) Financial products could be banned in banking overhaul…

Things we’re reading: 17th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: Standard Chartered says bank enjoyed a 'strong' start to the year (Telegraph) Barclays' price of independence (Times) Barclays boss sees future in small stuff (Telegraph) Goldman Offers Loans to Stretched Employees (New York Times) Citi Chief’s Compensation Was $38.2 Million for 2008 (New York Times) Voluntary code to make banks…

Things we’re reading: 16th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: Cherie Blair hired to sue RBS and Sir Fred Goodwin (Telegraph) Barclays under pressure to sell $1 trillion BGI business (Telegraph) HSBC bailout 'unthinkable' (Straits Times) AIG says it spent some bailout money paying banks (Charleston Daily Mail) Bernanke hopeful for US recovery (BBC) G20 summit approves IMF cash boost…

Things we’re reading: 16th March 2009

Things we're reading today include: Cherie Blair hired to sue RBS and Sir Fred Goodwin (Telegraph) Barclays under pressure to sell $1 trillion BGI business (Telegraph) HSBC bailout 'unthinkable' (Straits Times) AIG says it spent some bailout money paying banks (Charleston Daily Mail) Bernanke hopeful for US recovery (BBC) G20 summit approves IMF cash boost…

Things worth reading: 15th March 2009

UK: Barclays tax dodge ‘nets £1bn a year ’  (The Times) Barclays starts £5bn funds sale (The Times) Citi guarantees bonuses for London hires (Reuters) 'Laughable' new fraud initiative (Independent) Banks are squeezing us for billions  (The Times) We need more risk and less regulation of the financial sector (Telegraph) AIG London unit not regulated…

Things worth reading: 14th March 2009

UK RBS (collapse) would break Scotland (BBC) USA Citigroup to induct 4 ‘professional’ directors in board shake-up news ( World World Bank tells G20 finance ministers fix banks before boosting growth (Guardian) UBS: Called to account (The Economist) Switzerland breaks with tradition on tax evasion ( Beginning of the end for tax havens (Guardian) China’s…

Things worth reading: 14th March 2009

UK RBS (collapse) would break Scotland (BBC) USA Citigroup to induct 4 ‘professional’ directors in board shake-up news ( World World Bank tells G20 finance ministers fix banks before boosting growth (Guardian) UBS: Called to account (The Economist) Switzerland breaks with tradition on tax evasion ( Beginning of the end for tax havens (Guardian) China’s…

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