Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


FIDO needs more vision for digital identities

The real way to crack the onboarding and criminal activity is to create strong and secure digital identities.  We are moving in that direction, but it’s a long slow process.  For ages now, I’ve written about getting rid of passwords and improving authentication using mobile technologies: Why is KYC so difficult? AML prevention lies in…


You must pay in cash

When you talk non-stop about digital, it sometimes gives you a reality check when you actually live life in a physical world.  The frustrations of crashed systems, products that don’t work, call centre operators who aren’t co-operative and check-in staff who can’t check-in.  Equally, there are the moments of pure bliss such as the smell…

The jury’s still out on Apple Pay…

This is a blog from the Hotwire PR website, written by Camilla Ives.  It summarises my good friend John Chaplin's Payments Innovation Jury Report report well.  The report has been produced annually for the past four years and John will be presenting this in person to the Financial Services Club in England (June) and Poland…

The billion dollar fraud and how deep learning might avoid it

Banks are being hacked all the time.  According to various statistics, banks get over a million cyberattacks a year, and protecting the bank from breach is getting harder and harder.  This was well illustrated by the Kapersky report of a cybercrime group in February gaining access to over $1 billion in two years by targeting over…

Card worth

Corporate bankers …buy some extra pillows

So I blast the corporate banking world for being slow to change and believing their customers won’t change … and maybe they’re right.  After chairing a panel of large corporates including Jaeger, Virgin Media, Illy and Hotel Booker BV, the view seemed to be that banks were doing a good enough job and that corporates…


Does anyone really need a mobile wallet?

Reflecting on another conversation at last week’s conference, there were lots of discussions about why the mobile wallet wars were lost.  No one’s won the mobile wallet war yet, not even Apple, but it is there to be won.  In fact I wondered why it took a firm like Apple to take up the mantra…

O2 wallet1

The Finanser Interviews: Soner Canko, CEO of BKM, Turkey

Following on with our regular weekly interview, the Finanser talks this week with Soner Canko, CEO or BKM (Bankalararası Kart Merkezi), the ACH for Turkey.    BKM was established in 1990 as a partnership of public and private banks. Today, all the banks that issue a card and own a POS are members of BKM. …

Soner Canko

Banking and Payment Statistics

I received three links yesterday that were really useful. The first is from my friends at the Financial Brand who, every year, offer a free PowerPoint of useful stats and facts related to bank marketing.  There are over 200 stats and graphs in this year's PowerPoint (7.5MB), which has just been released.  You can download…


PayPal becomes a lender and its loans are free

So I cast doubt on a survey published last week that said that PayPal is a bigger challenge to traditional lenders than challenger banks. In the coverage I gave to the survey, I said: “which players are most likely to replace banks, rather than add on to the bank services?  I answered this a while…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser