Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


2 out of 5 Facebook users give all to identity thieves

New research finds that 41% of Facebook users are happy to reveal all to potential identity thieves.  The researchers found this out by creating a fabricated Facebook profile before sending out friend requests to people chosen at random from around the world.  The fabricated character is one Freddi Staur, an anagram of ID Fraudster.  Freddi…

UK banks hit hard by SEPA

Interesting research that was blasted across the UK press yesterday. The research came from the recently IPO’d website, which reckons that we could be paying an average of £300 a year in current account charges if the UK’s free banking system is changed to a pay-as-you-go fee structure. The research is based upon the…

UK banks hit hard by SEPA

Interesting research that was blasted across the UK press yesterday. The research came from the recently IPO’d website, which reckons that we could be paying an average of £300 a year in current account charges if the UK’s free banking system is changed to a pay-as-you-go fee structure. The research is based upon the…

First PayPal, then Google, now Amazon and the Banks

We all know how successful PayPal is but, just in case you missed it, then checkout the story I wrote about them in March.  Speaking of Checkout, there is a potential competitor to PayPal emerging in the form of Google’s Checkout system.  There’s already been a number of spats between the two firms, with PayPal’s…

Prepaid to top 500 billion by Monday

    500 billion what’s you ask? Well dollars of course. The reason this crops up today is that fellow financial blogger – that’s blogger, no ‘u’ in there in case you misread – Dave Birch of Consult Hyperion has given airing in his latest posting to the prepaid forecasts from Aite Group. Aite reckon…

Prepaid to top 500 billion by Monday

    500 billion what’s you ask? Well dollars of course. The reason this crops up today is that fellow financial blogger – that’s blogger, no ‘u’ in there in case you misread – Dave Birch of Consult Hyperion has given airing in his latest posting to the prepaid forecasts from Aite Group. Aite reckon…

Mobile banking in America creates a big debate

CNBC in the USA ran a report at the end of June on mobile banking.  The report is interesting as 2007 is definitely the year of the mobile phone, or cellphone if you’re American, with Bank of America, Citibank, Wachovia, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo, and ING Direct all launching mobile bank services.  The mobile service…

Mobile banking in America creates a big debate

CNBC in the USA ran a report at the end of June on mobile banking.  The report is interesting as 2007 is definitely the year of the mobile phone, or cellphone if you’re American, with Bank of America, Citibank, Wachovia, Washington Mutual, Wells Fargo, and ING Direct all launching mobile bank services.  The mobile service…

SEPA moves to China

Y’know I was going to write an indepth analysis of the ECB’s 5th report on SEPA titled: "SEPA: from Concept to Reality" (31 page pdf download) only to find my Dutch friend Donald at the excellent blogspot Linkdump on Payments had beaten me to it.  If you can’t be bothered reading his whole write-up, the…

Government scraps identity cards

The government intends to scrap the controversial national identity card program. Instead, the Home Office is working with NATO and the US Department of Homeland Security to create a globally recognised standard for identity management using the latest chip designs from VeriChip Corporation. The program has been given the internal codename "C-square" – which stands…

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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