What does the future bank look like?
I keep asking dumb questions like: if the tech giants give away payments, lending and credit for free, how will banks make money? As I’ve regularly blogged, the tech giants don’t want to get into banking per se, but they do want to encourage more traction through their platform by making buying and selling easier….

Thawing the frozen middle (how to change the bank)
I sometimes think I’m too harsh on the financial community, with my continual banter about core systems change, lack of digital leadership, inability to see how critical digital is to their future and the impact FinTech is making on global financial structures. I sound like a broken record and rarely post praise of banks. But…

Bank reincarnation: the best way to become a digital bank
There was an interesting discussion at #Money2020 about Business Reincarnation. It’s a rather dramatic term, especially if you don’t believe in reincarnation, but it does help visualise the idea. Like a Phoenix from the ashes, a bank needs to die and reincarnate itself to survive this digital revolution. This theme came up several times. In…

Are you changing the bank or just sucking-up to the CEO?
Another day talking culture, leadership and change for digital, and a fascinating review of the five things banks mess up when considering partnering. This presentation was from the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of a major European bank. The presentation was titled How not to screw up my next partnership – 5 lessons we learned, and…

#Money2020Europe Day Two: Don’t mess with my data
My second and last day at Money2020 Europe was packed with networking, meetings, panel discussions, private events and more. Throughout the day, the themes of the first day kept bubbling over. I guess it was typified with the comment that the CEO of TransferWise announced how happy they are to be partnering with banks. This,…

#Money2020Europe Day One: Will banks become ‘safes’ for data?
The good thing about blogging is that I have a public record of my thinking. Hence, I can claim that Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) is mine. That’s because I was presenting the idea ten years ago and blogged about it in February 2009. Now, no idea is unique, and the BaaS idea was purely based upon the…

So you think Alipay is just for the Chinese?
I’ve got caught in a few discussions recently with people who tell me Ant Financial are Chinese. They’re not. Neither is Alibaba and, if you think they’re just Chinese, you’re going to miss a huge change in the next decade. Ant Financial is an open marketplace of apps, APIs and analytics, that I’ve been describing…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
What is the future?

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology
Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive
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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens
Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser