Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Best cartoon of The Week

The Week is a great little magazine, summarising all the stories of the week.  Each magazine has a cartoon front page picture and this week's is so good, I had to post it here:  'Nuff said.

Fred Goodwin dunbankin

Beer and Derivatives … a perfect combo!

Another attempt to explain the financial crisis. The last ones were with birds and cows.  This time it's beer-bellied drunks! John owns a bar and, in order to increase sales, decides to allow the most loyal customers – who are mainly unemployed drunks – to drink now but pay later. He keeps track of the…

This is a real hedge fund

I know that some of you will think I've had a snifter too many, but I've been waiting to find a way to blog about I can has cheezburger for ages …  Are you serious?  You missed LOL Cats?  Where have you been???? LOL Cats (laugh out loud cats) and I can has cheezburger are…


I want some TARP

Just zipping in behind Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA", this is my second favourite American anthem: Thanks to Bill Zucker. p.s. just in case you're interested, the US Treasury lists an analysis of all Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) transactions every week.

Bank of England Demonstration

Coming out of Bank Tube today, next to the Bank of England and Royal Exchange … I was greeted with this sight: Police everywhere … what was going on? Was Fred Goodwin about to make an appearance? Was Lord Myners on his way? Had they heard that a banker was in town? No … it…


Lookalikes in finance

A while ago, I remember seeing some folks who said that UK Chancellor Alastair Darling looked like Sam the Eagle: and Mervyn King, the Governor of the Bank of England, was a bit like Lance Corporal Jones from Dad's Army ("don't panic, Captain Darling"): Now I think that's really mean as it would be a…


The Smash-Me Bernie Madoff Toy

There's always one isn't there, and here it is: This is the Bernie 'he made off with my money' Madoff action figure, which debuted at the New York Toy Fair this week. Made by Model Works, it costs $99:95 and comes with a hammer. The hammer is so that you can then smash the little…

Sorry sir, the dog ate my lunch money

Two statistical releases came out today that make an interesting story. First, children are "more savvy" about finances than their parents were, with the pocket money of kids tagged at £6.32 (about $10) weekly … seems a very exact number but it is an average.  Not surprisingly children are very with it when it comes…

Is NatWest right to fire Tim?

The Independent posted a story on Sunday about poor old Tim Keirman, a decent and likeable chap who worked for NatWest as a cashier and, more recently, MoneySense advisor at their Cambridge branch. 34-year old Tim had been at the bank for over a decade, but was suddenly hauled in front of a disciplinary committee…

Is NatWest right to fire Tim?

The Independent posted a story on Sunday about poor old Tim Keirman, a decent and likeable chap who worked for NatWest as a cashier and, more recently, MoneySense advisor at their Cambridge branch. 34-year old Tim had been at the bank for over a decade, but was suddenly hauled in front of a disciplinary committee…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

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Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser