Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Four banking business models for the digital age

I spotted a lengthy, but very insightful post, on LinkedIn the other day by Ben Robinson, Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for Temenos.  I don’t usually highlight such pieces, but felt this worth replicating here, and Ben kindly agreed.  Enjoy … Four banking business models for the digital age Digitization of the banking industry is…

Where is the bank’s digital vision?

It’s intriguing to find more and more banks creating digital heads.  I meet them regularly, I’m the digital head of retail banking; I’m the digital head of retail business banking; I’m the digital head of the investment bank; I’m the digital head of our transaction banking business; I’m the digital head of our commercial bank;…

Banks’ burning platform is obvious

My presentations change every day, but I got a great new slide to illustrate the burning platform that banks sit upon.  This is the one I was blogging about yesterday, and the one area I blog about incessantly (so much so that I bore myself). But there is a burning platform in all banks, and it’s…

Who owns the customer in the internet of things?

I’ve been talking the internet of things for a while as, after all, The ValueWeb is the internet of value that underpins the internet of things. A key concept of the internet of value is how it supports your television, car, fridge, shoes, phone, computer and your partners’ and chidlrens’ things to buy and transact. …

If you want to convince the bank to change, read this blog

I was thinking about not sharing this info but hey, as you are good enough to read my blog … here’s the bottom-line on digital disruption (ed: oh no, Chris said the D-word!). There’s a slide that’s been doing the circuit for a while.  It comes from Visual Capitalist, and charts the change in the world’s…

Forget GAFA, the real threat is FATBAG

I’ve blogged a few times about GAFA – Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon – as the worrisome Gang of Four.  Sure, we can worry about them, but the thing is to stop worrying and do something.  Australian banks decide to stop Apple by taking them to court; British banks would rather partner with all of them;…

Next generation insurance and the future of humanity

Building on yesterday’s InsurTech theme, I remember being taught the principles of insurance some years ago.  A key difference between insurance and any other business is that it is seller beware rather than buyer beware.  This is why the industry is built with a principle called uberrima fides rather than caveat emptor.   Uberrima fides is…

Are you a bitcoin denialist?

Many of the people I meet believe that bitcoin is bad and will fail.  It’s rare to meet anyone who says that it could change the world and will succeed.  But I’ve found one and he happens to have written a very good blog about it: Akin Fernandez, Entrepreneur Developer of Azteco. It’s a long read,…

The future CIO is not a CIO

As mentioned last week, the CIO’s role is changing from running an empire of maintenance engineers to organising a distributed development organisation. The change in the role is one from a hierarchical control structure, where everything is proprietary and internal, to a flattened organisation that is open and broad. Much of the developments will come…

Do banks need a CIO?

I was talking with a technology firm the other day.  They offer everything from cloud to core systems.  Their issue is that the competition wins every time.  Not IBM.  Not Accenture.  Not TCS.  Not FIS.  Not SAP.  Not any of the big names you could mention in such areas.  No, their competition is the CIO….

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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