Which digital currency will win: bitcoin or ether?
I’m a big fan of Kraken, the digital currency exchange in California, as it’s my main exchange for investing in digital assets. If you want to know more, checkout their general overview at the end of this blog. I’m also a fan of their blog, which regularly sends me interesting stuff and they’ve just launched…
Look at financial inclusion for innovation
I guess in concluding this weeks’ thoughts, I’m left reflecting on a similar idea to the one I blogged a couple of weeks ago about a world turned on its head. This time it’s a different take on the same conundrum. We live in the developed economies complaining about legacy; developing economies are just excited…
A glimpse into the future, part five: space
Well, finally we get to the part of this series I’ve been looking forward to writing about the most: space. No longer the final frontier as we’re conquering space fast. From landing explorers on Mars to capturing amazing images of Pluto, we have begun our journey to boldly go where no one has gone before. …
A glimpse into the future, part four: the internet of everything
I’ve talked often and in depth about the internet of things and how this affects banking. In the near future, when each of us has five, six, eight, ten things on the internet, we will be seeing a world where trillions of transactions take place amongst billions of things in real-time, not-stop and in very small…
A glimpse of the future, part two – 70 is the new 30
As mentioned yesterday, there’s a big question about what all of this means for financial service. You may not have asked those questions but if life sciences allows people to live for 150 years or more; if babies can be born without defects; if you can design yourself to be whatever you want to be;…