Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Payment Cards: a Good Deal or the next Busted Flush?

Next week, the Financial Services Club UK is meeting on Tuesday 3rd March 2009 with John Chaplin, European Payments Adviser to First Data, as our keynote speaker. Register as a member or non-member. John's chosen the provocative title: "Payment Cards: a Good Deal or the next Busted Flush?" As transaction banking is propelled higher up…

Will the last to leave the City turn out the lights?

I stumbled across a photographer on the Boston Globe's excellent Big Picture yesterday.  The photographer lives in Britain and his name is Jason Hawkes. Jason's really into aerial photography and his images of the City by night are quite stunning. He's also given me permission to present a few of his shots here, so here…

London at Night #3

Equities exchanges and low latency

Our next meeting of the Financial Services Club in London takes place on 26th February,  and will focus upon on how technology is changing the competitive landscape of equities exchanges, with a particular emphasis on low latency. This will be an in-depth panel discussion between: Charlotte Crosswell, President, NASDAQ OMX; Chris Pickles, Marketing Director, Financial…

How Europe’s infrastructural changes impact Ireland

The next meeting of the FSClub in Ireland is on 25th February, and will focus upon how Europe's infrastructural changes impact the Irish economy and banks. Reviewing the situation will be Mr. Gilbert Lichter, Secretary General of the Euro Banking Association (EBA) and Pat Mc Loughlin, Chief Executive of the Irish Payments Services Organisation (IPSO)….

Why banking will be free (Part 1)

Some people cannot understand why I blog everyday and so frequently, especially as it's free.  They actually think I should charge something for this stuff! Sure, it would be nice, but I learned a long time ago that being free is far more effective than charging for everything.  In particular, I spent some time with…

Why banking will be free (Part 1)

Some people cannot understand why I blog everyday and so frequently, especially as it's free.  They actually think I should charge something for this stuff! Sure, it would be nice, but I learned a long time ago that being free is far more effective than charging for everything.  In particular, I spent some time with…

Why banking will be free (Part 1)

Some people cannot understand why I blog everyday and so frequently, especially as it's free.  They actually think I should charge something for this stuff! Sure, it would be nice, but I learned a long time ago that being free is far more effective than charging for everything.  In particular, I spent some time with…

Is there a credit crisis in CEE?

We launched a new wing of the Financial Services Club for Central & Eastern Europe on Wednesday. The first meeting was a discussion based around the theme: "Is there are crisis in CEE?" with four esteemed panellists, namely: Dr.Friedhelm Boshcert, CEO, Volksbank International  (furthest left); Josip Protega, President of the Management Board, Hrvatska postbanska banka…


Is there a credit crisis in CEE?

We launched a new wing of the Financial Services Club for Central & Eastern Europe on Wednesday. The first meeting was a discussion based around the theme: "Is there are crisis in CEE?" with four esteemed panellists, namely: Dr.Friedhelm Boshcert, CEO, Volksbank International  (furthest left); Josip Protega, President of the Management Board, Hrvatska postbanska banka…


The start of a new Club

On the back of the PayPal party, we had a great meeting last night at the British Embassy in Vienna, Austria. It was a lavish affair, with over 100 guests networking and talking with Ambassadors and dignitaries from across the Central & Eastern European area. The evening was targeted towards financial services organisations, and leading…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Kids creating the future bank | TEDxAthens

Captain Cake and the Candy Crew

Captain Cake Winner of a Golden Mom’s Choice Award


Alex at the Financial Services

Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser