Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


FinTech in 2022: the Big Regression?

Building up to Christmas, I got a lot of FinTech predictions sent by PR firms and friends. Here are my top picks: One of the biggest US FinTech firms Lending Club sent me four big things they predict: Prediction #1: The fintech and bank consolidation arms race continues   2021 brought on more fintech M&A than ever…

The end of P2P finance?

I was really surprised to see the announcement by Zopa this week that they were pulling out of P2P (peer-to-peer) lending. As the company that started the FinTech P2P lending and FinTech buzz imho, how could they? I was angry and annoyed, and then remembered something: Following consultation, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is introducing…

Life? It’s complicated …

I grew up with a belief that life should be simple. You get an education; you play sport; you get a job for life; you get a partner; you get married; you buy a house; you have kids; you retire; and then you die. Or something like that. These were the key life events. It’s…

Banking is not easy, which is why most don’t get it

A long time ago, I predicted that telecoms and retailers would acquire and buy banks and vice versa. Hasn’t happened. Will it happen? I don’t think so. After so many years, I’ve realised something. Banking is difficult and does not have the same features as other industries. This is something that the naivety of youth…

Never mind the MLOCs, here’s the system

I just picked up this chart from Systems Innovation … …. and it immeditately struck me how complicated the world is. Way back when I started out as a programmer – maybe I should go back there? – and most of my programming was greenfield. But I remember having to update a system with 30,000…

How do you regulate what cannot be regulated?

One of my regular rants is that, even with all of this innovation and disruption with technology, no one has really reinvented banking and finance. The nearest we get are companies like Ant Group, PayTM, NuBank and a few others who are offering truly differentiated financial services, but the majority are just sorting out what…

Green finance is becoming a USP

I see five major groups squeezing the financial markets these days. The first one is obvious: it’s the FinTech start-up community, which is now valued as a third of all banking value. The second is clear too: it’s the Big Tech firms like Facebook and Amazon, who are launching their own currencies and putting pressure…

Is this a partnership or a one-night stand?

I was fascinated to see a lawsuit in America where a FinTech start-up (Onsa) claims a financial incumbent (Franklin Templeton) has stolen their ideas: Franklin Resources Inc. destroyed a blockchain startup to get its technology and a “short cut” into the booming fintech market, a group of investors claimed in a lawsuit. The startup, Onsa, claims…

FinTech? A flash in the pan? No, it’s worth a third of all banking

I met with some friends the other day, who showed some stats that demonstrate that all FinTech is worth a third of all of the banking market worldwide. Source: CFTE’s Fintech Job Report [sum of largest 100 banks (market cap) vs sum of largest 100 Fintech companies (market cap + public valuations)] How times have changed. FinTech….

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser