Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance


Today is SEPA day, wa-hey!

So, finally, November 2nd and here we are. SEPA day! SEPA direct debits go live today and the PSD was transposed successfully across all of Europe to become law yesterday. Apart from a few countries who missed the deadline. Obviously, Sweden who have always said April because the chap who was meant to transpose it…


Today is SEPA day, wa-hey!

So, finally, November 2nd and here we are. SEPA day! SEPA direct debits go live today and the PSD was transposed successfully across all of Europe to become law yesterday. Apart from a few countries who missed the deadline. Obviously, Sweden who have always said April because the chap who was meant to transpose it…


Dollars made from toilet paper

Great story in this month's Wired magazine about the Inkjet Counterfeiter. "Counterfeiting is considered such a threat to the fabric of the United States that, along with treason, it is one of only two criminal offences named in the Constitution. Although now better known for its role in presidential security, the Secret Service was actually…

Dollars made from toilet paper

Great story in this month's Wired magazine about the Inkjet Counterfeiter. "Counterfeiting is considered such a threat to the fabric of the United States that, along with treason, it is one of only two criminal offences named in the Constitution. Although now better known for its role in presidential security, the Secret Service was actually…

Daylight robbery the Swedish way

Talking with a Swedish colleague, he asked me if I'd heard about their massive and audacious robbery.  I said I had not.  Britain's media tends to only covers British robberies, such as the great Securitas theft or the Northern Bank robbery. It wasn't his robbery or his banks as it turned out, but it is…


Daylight robbery the Swedish way

Talking with a Swedish colleague, he asked me if I'd heard about their massive and audacious robbery.  I said I had not.  Britain's media tends to only covers British robberies, such as the great Securitas theft or the Northern Bank robbery. It wasn't his robbery or his banks as it turned out, but it is…


EU project to track all your tweets

I stumbled across Wikileaks this week, a website that leaks all sensitive information into public domain such as the leak of the UK's Ministry of Defence document on how to stop leaks. There's tons of fascinating stuff in there, and one of the more recent leaked documents is the European Commission's Working Package 4 (WP4)…

EU project to track all your tweets

I stumbled across Wikileaks this week, a website that leaks all sensitive information into public domain such as the leak of the UK's Ministry of Defence document on how to stop leaks. There's tons of fascinating stuff in there, and one of the more recent leaked documents is the European Commission's Working Package 4 (WP4)…

One step ahead of the card fraudsters

The UK Payments Administration released the latest fraud figures today (doubleclick to enlarge):   This shows general card fraud is down 23% to £232.8 million in the first half of 2009 although, of concern, will be the fact that online fraud is increasing at a rapid click (55%) year-on-year.  This rise in cardholder not present…


One step ahead of the card fraudsters

The UK Payments Administration released the latest fraud figures today (doubleclick to enlarge):   This shows general card fraud is down 23% to £232.8 million in the first half of 2009 although, of concern, will be the fact that online fraud is increasing at a rapid click (55%) year-on-year.  This rise in cardholder not present…


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