Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Blog Index

The Finanser’s Week: 25th May – 31st May 2009

Here are our key stories of the week: A real-time global pulse Branches Wanted: Dead or Alive? And what not to wear for a bank robbery Are we hard wired to mess up our money? Are you being hacked (and do you know)?  Trading water Ten Questions and Ten Statements Dow Jones … don't mess…

The Finanser’s Week: 18th May – 24th May 2009

Here are our key stories of the week: Robert Peston presents … Stéphane Garelli presents …  Alistair Darling presents … The total view on SEPA and the PSD Bank makes a billion This firm is full of it … Winners in Capital Markets Tech The Great Hargeisa Goat Bubble Weird Banking News Robert Peston presents…

The Finanser’s Week: 11th May – 17th May 2009

Here are our key stories of the week: Bank dinosaurs are bank's worst enemy Using video as evidence of compliance Who needs traders … get a rat The danger that SEPA may not happen Quantifying people's views on SEPA The Dark Economy Using mobiles as a financial channel Shoot the banker … Bank dinosaurs are…

The Finanser’s Week: 4th May – 10th May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: The Future of the City of London Banks aren't just stressed, they're angry The Susan Boyle BankStock picking with real-time news Girls, games and gambling Mint and the Simpsons Top 10 CEO salaries of 2008An invitation to meet Jeremy Wilson, Vice Chairman, Barclays and Professor Willem BuiterThank heavens,…

The Finanser’s Week: 4th May – 10th May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: The Future of the City of London Banks aren't just stressed, they're angry The Susan Boyle BankStock picking with real-time news Girls, games and gambling Mint and the Simpsons Top 10 CEO salaries of 2008An invitation to meet Jeremy Wilson, Vice Chairman, Barclays and Professor Willem BuiterThank heavens,…

The Finanser’s Week: 4th May – 10th May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: The Future of the City of London Banks aren't just stressed, they're angry The Susan Boyle BankStock picking with real-time news Girls, games and gambling Mint and the Simpsons Top 10 CEO salaries of 2008An invitation to meet Jeremy Wilson, Vice Chairman, Barclays and Professor Willem BuiterThank heavens,…

The Finanser’s Week: 4th May – 10th May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: The Future of the City of London Banks aren't just stressed, they're angry The Susan Boyle BankStock picking with real-time news Girls, games and gambling Mint and the Simpsons Top 10 CEO salaries of 2008An invitation to meet Jeremy Wilson, Vice Chairman, Barclays and Professor Willem BuiterThank heavens,…

The Finanser’s Week: 27th April – 3rd May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: A Directory of Social FinanceThe do’s and do not’s of Social FinanceInsider Trading and TwitterArguing about Twitter is a waste of timeWhy mobile banking has taken so longMTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round OneMTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round TwoLook deep into my dark pools Our major stories of…


The Finanser’s Week: 27th April – 3rd May 2009

Here are the key stories of the week: A Directory of Social FinanceThe do’s and do not’s of Social FinanceInsider Trading and TwitterArguing about Twitter is a waste of timeWhy mobile banking has taken so longMTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round OneMTFs versus Incumbent Exchanges, Round TwoLook deep into my dark pools Our major stories of…


The Finanser’s Week: 20th – 26th April 2009

It's been an interesting week, with much of it spent focused upon the trading community at TradeTech in Paris.  Here are the key stories of the week: HSBC's David Bagley on the G20, Turner and Compliance US Q1 Bank Results: Just a Blip? FSA Liquidity Reporting to cost up to £2 billion Lower latency in…

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser