Blog Index
The Finanser’s Week: 1st May – 8th May 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … You can never believe what you think For years, marketing and market research firms have talked about demographics, using job, age and location as a way of targeting customers. The trouble is that it leads us down the road of ignorance, because we often use such classifications…

The Finanser’s Week: 18th April – 24th April 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … Secret service and trading: both find needles in haystacks I was at TradeTech the other day, one of the largest conferences and exhibitions focused upon buy and sell side technologies. It had a good attendance and agenda, although I did wonder why it was sponsored by…

The Finanser’s Week: 11th April – 17th April 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … The regulator's dilemma: being DUPEd It’s pretty clear that regulatory systems haven't worked and realised what the mistake was the other day. It’s a four-phase issue, summarised as regulatory DUPE: Disaster, Understanding, Proposition; and Execution. Standard & Poor's Global Corporate Default Study Standard & Poor's sent a…

The Finanser’s week: 4th April – 10th April 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … Stéphane Garelli on the future economic outlook Stéphane Garelli is the guy who made Davos what it is today, as Managing Director of the World Economic Forum for over twenty years. Now a Professor with the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, he's pretty well informed on all matters…

The Finanser’s Week: 28th March – 3rd April 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … Survey: are payments infrastructures fit for purpose? Our survey on payments infrastructures closes on April 5th. If you haven't taken it yet, now's your last chance: Banks form alliance to stop G20 I had an interesting (but competely April Fooled fictional) conversation with the Chief Executive…

The Finanser’s Week: 21st March – 27th March 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … Survey: are payments infrastructures fit for purpose? This is the last week of our survey on payments infrastructures. Over 300 people have completed the survey and the results will be released in April. Have you taken the survey yet? If not join in: The Mobile…

The Finanser’s Week: 14th March – 20th March 2011
Our biggest stories of the week are … Future visions in video As anyone who tracks this blog knows, I love all things futuristic. Via Rob Findlay I discovered this video yesterday from Corning Glass … Monthly MiFID Monitor, February 2011 We are pleased to provide our eleventh month of monitoring the MTF performances…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us
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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser