Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Blog Index

The Finanser’s Week: 5th March – 11th March 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Sustainable values-based banks outperform traditional mainstream banks I'm putting this on the blog, because we have a meeting planned for March 26th that will talk all about sustainable banking: A new study shows that sustainable values-based banks, which base their decisions first and foremost on the needs… …


The Finanser’s Week: 27th February – 4th March 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Monday fun Various cartoons and images amused me last week.  First was Brookes cartoon in the Times about Greek debt and, in the same newspaper, the uneasy ride that Angela Merkel is taking with Nicholas Sarkozy as they try to steer through this disaster and his upcoming…

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The Finanser’s Week: 20th February – 26th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Complexity versus simplicity I often find myself buying the latest gadgets, only to be disappointed. A few delight – the iPhone being my personal best example – but many just seem to be over-engineered and too complex. Take the Android. It may be…   How to spot…

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The Finanser’s Week: 20th February – 26th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Complexity versus simplicity I often find myself buying the latest gadgets, only to be disappointed. A few delight – the iPhone being my personal best example – but many just seem to be over-engineered and too complex. Take the Android. It may be…   How to spot…

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The Finanser’s Week: 13th February – 19th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Banking evolutions create revolutions I’m working on a technology in banking conference with a client that’s had me chair their meetings for some years now.   As they discussed the program for this year, they asked me for the theme and what sort of topics we need to…


The Finanser’s Week: 6th February – 12th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … £ $ € ¥ …元/圆: the Rise of Renminbi We have a continual dialogue about Renminbi (RMB), or Chinese Yuan (CNY) if you prefer.  What’s the difference?  Well, Remnimbi is the proper term for the Chinese currency, as is referring to UK currency as the Pound Sterling and the…

The Finanser’s Week: 30th January – 5th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … What the Facebook IPO means for banks I haven’t written much about social media lately. The reason is that it’s now mainstream and dull. When you're scanning future views, you’re not as bothered about Facebook and Twitter when everyone’s familiar with and using such services. Facebook's pervasiveness……

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The Finanser’s Week: 30th January – 5th February 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … What the Facebook IPO means for banks I haven’t written much about social media lately. The reason is that it’s now mainstream and dull. When you're scanning future views, you’re not as bothered about Facebook and Twitter when everyone’s familiar with and using such services. Facebook's pervasiveness……

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The Finanser’s Week: 23rd January – 29th January 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … How to deal with an insolvent bank Sitting in a conference talking about living wills isn’t how you want to spend your typical day, but it did spark a whole bunch of thoughts in my mind. The FSA issued their consultative paper 11/16 last summer. The idea……


The Finanser’s Week: 16th January – 22nd January 2012

Our biggest stories of the week are … Amartya Sen: thoughts on poverty and the global financial crisis I attended an interesting lecture last night from an economic legend: Professor Amartya Sen of Harvard University. If you haven’t heard of him, he’s known as the Mother Teresa of economics in his native India, and has…

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser