Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Blog Index

The Finanser’s Week: 19th November – 25th November 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  Why should we innovate? I was talking at a conference and a regulator was on the panel. The panel chair asked him: “should we think about innovation first or regulation?” and he responded by saying: “It is not a question of regulation or innovation… Too fast…


The Finanser’s Week: 12th November – 18th November 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  Jesus Christ Superstar, and the Occupy Movement  I recently went to see the latest revival of Andrew Lloyd-Weber’s Jesus Christ, Superstar. The new version of the musical toured the UK’s largest Arenas, with an all-star cast and a lengthy TV audition show to select the man…

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The Finanser’s Week: 5th November – 11th November 2012

The Finanser has been nominated for a major Award as the best financial blog.  We would really appreciate your vote if you want to make one 🙂  To vote click here.  Our biggest stories of the past week are …  A hundred years of cash A hundred years ago, things were different but the same. We…

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The Finanser’s Week at #SIBOS

This week was dedicated to SIBOS, the annual SWIFT tradeshow, conference, exhibition and all around banker's jamboree.  Here's a summary of the whole week: Welcome to SIBOS 2012 So here we are, a few of us anyway, at SIBOS 2012 in Osaka, Japan. Morning impressions in the land of the rising sun The theme of…


The Finanser’s Week: 22nd October – 28th October 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  Osaka, here we come! Many of us are gearing up for this year’s SIBOS – the big SWIFT jamboree that gathers all those involved in payments worldwide … whoops, involved in transaction processing worldwide. This year it’s in Osaka, Japan, and I’m on my… An interview…

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The Finanser’s Week: 15th October – 21st October 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  The World Payments Report 2012, Part One The World Payments Report (WPR) has just come out. It is the 8th report produced by EFMA, in partnership with Cap Gemini and the Royal Bank of Scotland (ABN AMRO previously), and provides a good analysis of global payments…

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The Finanser’s Week: 8th October – 14th October 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  This week featured a five part series on the future of the bank branch: Part One: One banker knows his industry is trashed, and here's his plan I often present around the depressed state of the banking markets. Usually, it’s a political and economic overview of…


The Finanser’s Week: 1st October – 7th October 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  Money and rumpy pumpy A while ago David Birch, he of the geek #1 fame, said to me that all new forms of commerce are created by games, girls and gambling, and the more I think about it, the more true I see this… A few…

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The Finanser’s Week: 24th September – 30th September 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  The similarities between internet blocks and trade sanctions  I spent last week in the Middle East, travelling the region and seeing some sights as well as meeting many banks from across the region. As always, it’s an interesting space and place, full of Eastern promise as…


The Finanser’s Week: 17th September – 23rd September 2012

Our biggest stories of the past week are …  What Star Trek tells us about banking For years, I’ve been a fan of Star Trek, and have used their innovations in many presentations, but I’ve always wondered: how come there’s no money on the Star Ship Enterprise? Is everything free? Not exactly. My supposition was…


Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser