Chris Skinner's blog

Shaping the future of finance

Blog Index

The Finanser’s Week: 20th January 2020 – 26th January 2020

The main blog headlines are … Survey: Banks just aren’t ready for digital I’ve just been reading Jim Marous’s Digital Banking Report which ties in nicely with my new book Doing Digital, as the themes are similar. In Jim’s 70+ page report, Jim concludes that: “While there is an almost universal awareness of what needs to…

The Finanser’s Week: 13th January 2020 – 19th January 2020

The main blog headlines are … Bye-bye FinTech I just spent time with a bank talking about Doing Digital. The host had read a preview copy of my new book and was asking a few questions about it. What had surprised me the most in my talks with five banks? What lesson was … What…

The Finanser’s Week: 23rd December 2019 – 12th January 2020

The main blog headlines are … Welcome to 2020: What’s new? Welcome to 2020. It’s a new day. It’s a new year. It’s a new decade. And yes, I’m feeling good. 2020. This is a year all of us futurists have looked forward to for over two decades as, back in 2000, it became popular…

The Finanser’s Week: 16th December – 22nd December 2019

The main blog headlines are … Have Yourself a Merry FinTech Christmas So it’s the holiday season and time for some time off. I’m back on January 6th 2020. The only thing I can say is … here’s to a fantastic 2020 … the year of Doing Digital.    “Stop what you are doing and…

The Eleven Things That Stood Out In 2019

At the end of every year I list the top 10 blog posts from The Finanser, to show what’s been of most interest.  Bearing in mind there are over 200 posts a year, these are the ones that really stand out. Like most years, this year’s list includes three guest entries – as I pick…

The Finanser’s Week: 9th December – 15th December 2019

The main blog headlines are … Traditional banks are suffocating … they just don’t know it yet An interesting lunch discussion about data the other day. It started when someone had picked up on my blog about Ana Botin, where she made the comment: “Why should data be regulated in a different way if you’re called…

The Finanser’s Week: 2nd December – 8th December 2019

The main blog headlines are … Treating Customers Unfairly (#HSBC) I’ve blogged many times that so called free banking is a fallacy.  It’s something I have blogged about for a decade, and the recurring theme is free banking should be banned by the regulator as it’s only free as long as you don’t go overdrawn….

The Finanser’s Week: 25th November – 1st December 2019

The main blog headlines are … Are banks adapting in the right way? I picked up a few innovative changes taking place this week within banks. In fact, I should point out that banks are not static beasts, as many claim. They are changing all the time, doing things all the time, adapting all the…

The Finanser’s Week: 18th November – 24th November 2019

The main blog headlines are … What would you rather talk about: sex, religion, politics or money? My blog often seems to return to the subject of sex, whether it be sexism or basic sex. It is for the reason that money and rumpy-pumpy are the twin engines powering everything we do, as Jeremy Clarkson…

The Finanser’s Week: 11th November – 17th November 2019

The main blog headlines are … Can you recognise a fraudster when you meet one? I’ve pointed out many times that it’s easy to scam people online and defraud them. I even once got a phone call from an elderly gentleman asking me if he had really won £1 million on the Financial Services Club…

Intelligent Money: Our Future Is Where We Do Not Think About Money, As Our Money Thinks For Us

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The Past, Present And Future Of Banking, Finance And Technology

Fintech expert Chris Skinner: countries need digital transformation to remain competitive

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Gaping Void's Hugh MacLeod worked with the Finanser