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Shaping the future of finance

Would you like to attend the launch of ‘Digital for Good’?

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Chris Skinner, best-selling author of Digital Bank, Digital Human and Doing Digital, has just released his latest book Digital for Good, and it is now available on Amazon.


The book will be officially launched at CFTE on June 6, Canary Wharf, London (if you want to attend, sign up here). The evening will include a number of signed books to be given away, a speech from Chris Skinner and a panel with four amazing people:

  • Gail Bradbrook, Co-founder, Extinction Rebellion
  • Gihan A.M. Hyde, Founder & CEO, CommUnique
  • Tram Anh Nguyen, Co-founder, CFTE
  • Viola Llewellyn, President & Co-Founder, Ovamba Solutions, Inc.


What is the book about?

The book focuses upon one question:

How can technology and finance work together to create a better society and better planet?

Digital for Good looks at everything from how banking plays a role in the climate emergency through to the FinTech world using technology to overcome issues of inequality and inclusion. The themes of the book include questioning the purpose of banking, and whether it is socially useful; how purpose can impact a bank's role in the climate emergency; the way in which we can use finance to do good for society and the planet; the latest developments in cryptocurrencies; and more.

Unlike Chris Skinner's previous books, this is not an opinion piece but a collaborative effort that includes interviews and chapters from leading authorities including experts from across the world. Examples of those contributing to the book include Adrian Gore, Group Chief Executive, Discovery Bank (South Africa); Tom Blomfield, founder and former CEO, Monzo Bank (UK); Gail Bradbook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion (UK); Brock Pierce, Chair of the Bitcoin Foundation (USA); Douglas Feagin, Senior Vice President, Ant Group (China); Gottfried Liebrundtt, former Chief Executive Office of SWIFT (Belgium); and many others from all over the world.

The aim of this book is to present an in-the-round, global view of the state of our financial and technological space today, and how these developments are both impacting and improving our world. The bottom-line is: if your business doesn't stand for something, it will fall down.


What the experts say


“This is an astonishing compendium of thinking by first-rate people.”

Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy


“Chris's book is a must-read.”

Simon Mulcahy, President, Sustainability at TIME


“Thank goodness for Chris Skinner for supercharging this vital conversation.”

Dr Gail Bradbrook, Co-Founder Extinction Rebellion


“This book is a critical part of anyone's bookshelf if they're interested in where we go next.”

Michael Jordaan, Founder of Montegray Capital


“I highly recommend this book.”

Jacki Johnson, former Co-Chair of the United Nations Financial Initiative


“Read, digest and most importantly, take action.”

Sherry Madera, Chair of the Future of Sustainable Data Alliance


“Digital for Good is a must-read primer for anyone considering sustainable-driven finance."

Marcelo Gasparino da Silva, Member of the Board of Directors of Petrobras and Coordinator of the Sustainability Committee at Vale


“Chris is the first player in the FinTech world, and you would pick him for your team every time.”

Sven-Göran Eriksson, former manager of the England football team


The outline of the book, chapter-by-chapter

Introduction: How Do You Price an Extinction?                                                                       

Why Digital for Good? by Chris Skinner                                                                                  

Setting the Scene: What Is the Problem with Banking Today? by Anthony Thomson, co-founder of Metro Bank, Atom Bank and 86 400 (UK and Australia), and Chris Skinner                                                                            

Today’s Bank Will Be Replaced by Algorithms by Guga Stucco, founder of Banco Original (Brazil)                                                                                             

Retail Investors Will Change the World by Charles Savage, CEO of EasyEquities (South Africa)                                                                                           

An interview with Brock Pierce, chair of the Bitcoin Foundation (USA)                           

Omnichannel or Omniaccess? by Chris Skinner                                                           

How Digital Innovations Can Benefit Our World amid COVID-19 and Climate Change by Douglas Feagin, senior vice president, Ant Group (China)             

It’s the Education, Stupid! (Not Bancarisation) by Oriol Ros, chief marketing officer, Latinia (Spain)                                                                    

Digitising Payments for Good by Gottfried Leibbrandt, former CEO of SWIFT (Belgium), and Natasha de Terán, former head of Corporate Affairs at SWIFT (Wales)                       

What Can Banks and Technologists Do about ESG? by Antonio Emilio Freire, member of the Supervisory Board of Eletrobras (Brazil), and Fabio Alperowitch, director, FAMA Investimentos (Brazil)                                                  

How Sustainable Investing Became a Thing by Wayne Wachell, executive chairman and chief investment officer, Genus (Canada)                            

The Future of Green FinTech Is Asia by Zennon Kapron, CEO, Kapronasia (Singapore)                                                                                        

An interview with Gail Bradbrook, co-founder of Extinction Rebellion (UK)                 

Towards Community and Purpose by Theo Lau, co-founder of Unconventional Ventures (USA)                                                                             

Banking Product Design for Sustainability-focused Generations by Margarida Mendes da Maia, digital project manager at Banco CTT and co-founder of Portugal Fintech (Portugal)           

Let’s Make “Green Finance” Less Special by Professor Michael Mainelli, executive chairman, Z/Yen Group (UK)                                          

What Does “Purpose-driven” Really Mean?by Chris Skinner and Anthony Thomson (UK)                                                                                       

Better Banking by Tony Fish, chief digital officer of Digital20 (UK)                             

Why Purpose Matters by Viola A. Llewellyn, co-founder and president of Ovamba Solutions Inc (USA)                                                                                 

An interview with Tom Blomfield, co-founder of Monzo (UK)                                     

The Comeback of Loyal Bank Customers by Craig Bond, chairman at Envel Corporation (UK)                                                                       

Banking on Bob Dylan (or the “Why” behind Purpose-driven Finance) by Greg Baxter, chief digital and transformation officer, HP (USA)                                 

An interview with Adrian Gore, founder and CEO of Discovery Group (South Africa)                                                                             

Growing a Better World Together by Roland van der Vorst, head of Innovation, Rabobank (Netherlands)                                                          

Views from Down Under: An Australian Purpose-led Bank by Corin Millais, head of Socially Responsible Banking, Teachers Mutual Bank Ltd (Australia)                                                      

An interview with Marc Lauwers, CEO of Argenta (Belgium)                                     

How Purpose-driven Finance Can Flourish in the Digital Era by Jesse Griffiths, CEO of The Finance Innovation Lab (UK)                                      

Communication Will Help Save Our People and Planet by Gihan A.M. Hyde, founder and CEO of CommUnique (UK)                                   

How to Make the Cultural Difference by Chris Skinner                                             

Looking to the Future: The View from 2030 by Chris Skinner                                   

“My Life, My Bank in 2040” by Rik Coeckelbergs, founder and managing director of The Banking Scene (Belgium)                                           

An interview with Derek Baraldi, head of the Banking Industry at the World Economic Forum                                                                  

Conclusion, Key Takeaways and the Point                                                      

You can buy the book today and if anyone wants to contact Chris direct to discuss the themes explored, please email


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Chris M Skinner

Chris Skinner is best known as an independent commentator on the financial markets through his blog,, as author of the bestselling book Digital Bank, and Chair of the European networking forum the Financial Services Club. He has been voted one of the most influential people in banking by The Financial Brand (as well as one of the best blogs), a FinTech Titan (Next Bank), one of the Fintech Leaders you need to follow (City AM, Deluxe and Jax Finance), as well as one of the Top 40 most influential people in financial technology by the Wall Street Journal's Financial News. To learn more click here...